Ending Thoughts, Series Thoughts

Discussion in 'Grace Under Fire - 女拳' started by Jeff, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Well.. what can i say.

    I dont think this ending is very TVB-like. A lot of people died just in the last episode.. & i think this makes the series better. Not that i like to see people dying.. its just an ending that TVB doesn't have often.

    I thought Fala died at the end, but then she actually lives. Too bad TVB doesn't tell us what happened to her though.

    It is a happy ending kind of, with Bo Chi Lam re-opening & stuff.

    I really hope this series will at least get nominations for the Awards Ceremony.
  2. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    i saw the ending of Kenneth Ma really predictable...sorta, i knew a karma type of ending would happen to him
    as for Mok Gwai Lan, im not sure if she actually re-opened Bo Chi Lam in HK, but she definitely started teaching Hung Gar there

    i have to say im kind of disappointed in this series as a whole, too little focus on Mok Gwai Lan
  3. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    ^ yeh.. agree. considering the title for this drama is "lui kuen" it only focused towards her when she got married to wong fei hung.
    Watched all last 3 episodes! Kinda predictable for sam shui ending! Can't believe he was still trying to use shuet kiu on the train! [what I think].
    I too - also thought ah fa died.. but nope. lol.
  4. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    But dont you all agree that it isn't like any other ending? I surely didn't expect THAT many people to die.

    Yes, Sam Shui ending was predictable.. but kinda sad how he still went evil the very last moment until he died
  5. SUSIE-DANG-1988


    yeah! I know.. I too didn't expect that many people to die!! Didn't want lui si fu to die! It was his birthday too!! OMG!
    I didn't think sam shui would actaully hit him till he dies, cos if he did die - he wouldn't know where the diary was!!
  6. Toilet

    Toilet Well-Known Member

    man where did Sam Shui's wife get a knife from on the train? -_-'

    My sister thinks she had it up her sleeves -pirate

    that scene was satisfying :D
  7. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    back in the day, there weren't inspections before boarding a train, no x-rays or securities so as long as youre not looking suspicious, no one will search you, I knew she would kill Sam Sui

    reason: one scene where she tries to commit suicide, Kenneth comes and says all sorts of nasty stuff to her and ends by saying "ill make sure ill send a mourning card (fa pai) when you die", right there and then i thought "man if she lives, she would definitely kill him

    not to mention, right before she kills him, he used her just to get on the train...is she that forgiving, i dont think so =)

    although last thoughts on the series, im extremely impressed with Liu Xuan and her Hung Gar...I do take hung gar and knows Fu Hok, and seeing her perform it, was good, it was flawed, but a lot better than the guy who played Wong Fei Hung. She has good stance, and energy...very impressed with Liu's first acting job. I hope TVB gives her more chances and offers a long term contract with her
  8. koogepanini

    koogepanini Well-Known Member

    For a moment, I thought she was going to shoot him with the gun that he had but stabbing was definitely more satisfying to watch...

    The ending was pretty predictable though. The series in general was alright. I enjoyed watching Liu Xuan and Bosco's acting the most, probably because their characters were the most interesting. Also after this drama, I really wouldn't mind not seeing Kenneth Ma and Fala Chan for a while...
  9. ray89

    ray89 Well-Known Member

    i found this series pretty good compared to a lot of others. but its probably gona b forgotten cuz it was broadcasted early/mid year.
  10. powerbehind

    powerbehind Member

    I loved it series, the last episode was very interesting
  11. pOtentiaLeaver

    pOtentiaLeaver Well-Known Member

    i like how they managed to grab the diary of tong jung baan when bo ji lam was on fire lol
  12. infernochaoz

    infernochaoz Well-Known Member

    the ending was pretty good. it seemed kinda rushed like in most tvbs.
    anyone know what happened to tong jung bak's wife? i might have missed what happened but it seems like one of them just vanished
  13. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    i'm disappointed in the drama in general. Female Fist...most content in the drama didn't even focus on her. And the ending....SO PREDICTABLE. Everything is predictable. Some fights are bad, too. I like Relic of an Emissary so much better.
  14. ragnaroks

    ragnaroks Member

    Good series overall with some lacking and stupid scenes. Also too little action from Liu Xuan, she's the only one who knows Kung Fu in real life, want to see more action though. I liked how Kenneth Ma went evil, the proces is somewhat understandable as he used to get ass kicked and laughed at back than.
  15. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    Liu Xuan has no kung fu background whatsoever, she was a gymnast. I believe Power Chan might actually have some background. I remember they did an interview back in "Once Upon a time in China", and most cast on there has a little background in martial arts (Power was Buck Tooth So in Wong Fei Hung in USA)
  16. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    ^exactly. in fact, when she did kungfu, looks like she's doing gymnastic moves x.x its just bad.
  17. fact of the matter is.. everyone dying is very TVB. Most of the stuff is predictable, but they just kept trying to add a twist to it.

    Even if Mok Gwai Lan was supposed to marry Wong Fei Hung, the story was is pretty bad. Like Ah Fa, didn't she obviously tried to distract Gwai Lan from being with Ah Lung, which was why she was trying to trick Gwai Lan in sayin she loved WFH. So yea.. what else is there to say.. The good guy becomes bad and kills everyone else in his path.. TVB for ya. I did find the Child Kidnapper character funny though. He just kept trying to kidnap kids at the beginning of the series and then turns good all of a sudden lol.

    This is pretty interesting site, talks about the real history of WFH. I guess he married 4 times and had a bunch of kids.


    Also, the real Mok Gwai Lan

  18. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    im not sure if that video is real or not, i never heard of her doing performing hung kuen in opera. And its too blurry to actually see if thats her. And my sifu told me Gwai lan was the 3rd and not the 4th...
  19. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Since the video is soo blurry.. at some points she did look like a guy

    But i THINK Gwai Lan is the 4th?

    She passed away in 1983.. holy shit. Doesn't seem THAT long ago.
  20. xaznxryux

    xaznxryux Well-Known Member

    yeh she died roughly 9 years after Ip Man

    I'm still wondering if Mok Gwai lan knows Lam Sai Wing? I mean both knows Hung Gar, and Lam is probably the most celebrated student of Wong Fei Hung and Mok being Wong's last wife. But Lam Sai Wing died in the 40s right before the Japanese occupation of HK. Gotta confirm with my sifu =\, and see if she did re-open Po Chi Lam or is it just a regular Hung Gar school