spent more than half talking about the ching ching and yeung yeung crap-_- fkn fala can't act for shit and she thinks shes good from the tvb interview stuff omfg cant stand her shit. /rage
Well, I was expecting ep 29 to be even more intense, but guess the suspense dropped. I was expecting more on ep 29, turns out I was wrong. Hope ep 30 is much better
Gotta agree, her acting is SHIT. I thought she was ok in Moonlight Resonance, but she is absolutely terrible in NR. Also, her character has too much fucking screen time in this series.
I agree w/ most of you guys. Ching Ching got more screen time than needed, does not matter who plays her role.
Glad it won't be long until she's gone LOL. In a non offensive way, she spend too much time on the camera doing nothing but writing on her diary... Episode 30 was aite.
Aww, this ain't ep 29 but the speech that Wayne said is so powerful and you could feel him! The anger, we have sympathy for him and the victims! The power of great acting-innocent2