11:55 Who does that lol! Places change into the vending machine and walk off. 14:48 haha I would too be surprised, happened once before! 34:20 duh hell, drinking from a public toilet tap water o_0 Won't that stuff make your tummy go worst, especially when Bowie got stomach cramps (?) 38:08 (snow scene) isn't that guy from k4? 40:00 I think all of their symptoms were related to 'gah ming'. What do you all think? I got a feeling that they ate 'gah ming', also a reason why Bowie is a vegetarian. 42:30 That's nasty, that look little less than rare meat. Blood dripping everywhere! Lots more [well-known] actors/actress, good stuff!
Just to clear it up... so I'm not wrong. In the snow mountain scene. The vegetarian was the guy who got dragged out of the tent who was against eating Gah Ming. The one that pulled the vegetarian out of the tent is Moses? The one that took the first stab at Gah Ming's dead body is the guy with eye problems.
no...moses is the one who was asked to eat 'gah ming', his name is "black jai" in the show...i am pretty sure..and the one who was okay with eating 'gah ming' is bowie....and the one with the eye problem is the one who stabbed 'gah ming'...these are my guesses....
Are you sure? Cuz Bowie was talking about how he'd rather starve to death to get the job done and then he got dragged out of the tent...?
you're right. the guy who was half dead but stabbed gah ming is the guy with the eye problem, most likely cause he had a fever during/after it and forgot everything because of it. the guy who wanted to eat gah ming initially is black jai (moses) and the one against is bowie, most likely that's also the reason he quit eating meat. i think the sick dude might've killed gah ming cause he heard them struggling and wanted to just do it "for the good of everyone", otherwise they'd die anyway.
Wait, so the guy with the eye problem forgot everything?! Doesn't seem like it, cuz he referred to that incident as an "accident" when driving with his wife in the car...right? What exactly did he forget? Moses is fucking crazy. I'd be a vegetarian too if I did what they did.
well i am sticking to my initial guesses...i still think bowie is the one who wanted to eat gah ming initially...and tried to convince moses to as well... we will see who's right as the story goes on
he forgot the killing and eating part. all he heard afterwards is that it was an accident. that's my "guess"
yes, cannibalism. when there is nothing to eat and people are desperate for their lives, cannibalism can happen. it's not that strange actually, most people, when desperate, will do ANYTHING to survive. and they'd rather have you die than themselves.
but based on the voice from the fella said at the snow mountain Red Jacket is Hak Chai = Moses Yellow Jacket is Gu Lo = Bowie Bowie is the one tat wan to eat Kah Ming Moses is against it.. just based on the voice hearing..
^ 1995? Miss HK at 10 years old? Shouldn't it be 2005? LOL! ~~ Anyways, is this her first series? She reminds me of LF's girlfriend in Growing Through Life.
oops lol i've seen her before...she is KLF. her series credits: * When Heaven Burns (TVB, 2011) * The Gem of Life (TVB, 2008) * Heart of Greed (TVB, 2007) * Land of Wealth (TVB, 2006)