the victim death body in episode 2 squareblock censor, is tvb ran out of budget on this movie and can't afford to make it look real or it's a TV censorship thing in Hong Kong?
either: 1. They're trying to make you think it's scary. 2. They don't bother to show you the body, it's not important. 3. Maybe there's a censorship, like a PG 13 thing, idk
they did exactly the same with D.I.E the first series .. whats your problem? and exactly what kay said .. tehre no need to see it and its a PG -13 .....
For the most part, it's a family show, you won't be seeing any of those gore stuff. They want you to imagine what happened and also there's a scent of humor with the censoring that goes with the theme of the series.
like evo said, the body was meant to be censored, if you listened, his body was "cut open", never have i saw in any TVB series that you see a big hole in someones body =P
TVB recieves a lot of complaints from audiences about bloody parts. Thus, they censored it. Just a few days ago, they recieved a complaint about D.I.E. being too bloody. IMO, I just think that the audiences watching are too conservative and have nothing better to do then to complain.
Because they don<t want any complaints from the citizens lol, but still, citizens found something to complaint lol
Just watched episode 2 yesterday... The censored scene is about the organs etc all being out of the body... I think it would be gross to show that... Would rather have it censored like what was done...
When the movie too scary, ppl complaint. When the movie or the story line not nice, ppl complaint. TVB must have their own reason(s) to blur certain part to avoid complaint from the viewer.