go wife one : ) i hate the second wife all she does is scream at the top of her lungs n gets "mad" like dude go lock urself in ur room then! no one likes u anyways... n u're a disgrace to ur own son!
Every drama series need an evil person and I think the 2wife did such an excellent job because everyone watch the drama seem to hate her so......much. Ha ha without her the drama doesn't seem to be interesting. Once the 1wife dead the 2wife will use this chance to come back to the family once again.
Every drama series need an evil person and I think the 2wife did an excellent job because whoever watch this drama will end up hate her so......much. Beside without her the drama will not seem much interesting. Once the 1wife is dead she will use this chance to come back to the family again.
The first wife is so nice. She shouts at tavia for losing the baby, but when she goes home, she tries to make peace.
Yeah, the 1st wife is too nice. But because she's near death, she's instructing Moses to perform specific tasks while the rest of the family doesn't know. This seems to lead to the Episode 26 and all the potential problems. The 1st wife could have probably handled this better, but then there won't be more interesting arguements. Looking at Raymond and Linda. They argue a lot when going out. Linda's going to be heart-shattered when she find out about Su Mak Mak. I can't wait till the confrontation of Raymond, Linda, Moses, and Su Mak Mak.
I don't even think Duk Duk Dei has the ability to keep the family together like First Wife did. Too bad she's going to die...looks like she's gone at episode 26, and I really don't think the second wife's changed that much. I think Linda's character is kinda unreasonable. She gets mad all the time for whatever reason and takes it out on Raymond...
i hate tavia's family 2...even more than the 2nd wife frankly..everytime tavia's mum opens her mouth i feel like putting a 10days dirty socks into her mouth to shut her up...
the 2nd wife is faking to be nice.. i dont believe her act for one bit...she wants to be on her good side before shes dies so she can get back in the family & the fortune....but the 1st wife doesn't buy it yoyo is such a bitch why is she seeing raymond behide linda's back? linda will be so upset when she finds out.... and raymond two timing... haven't seen play that character before...i hate it! lol
I totally agree with Linda being so unreasonable. She basically allowed a path for Raymond to become unhappy with her and cheat on her. And also, I agree that the first wife did not handle things completely right before she died: she made Moses do all these things which is good but she should've explained to the ENTIRE family so that they understand what Moses is doing. Without her telling the entire family of her will, this allowed the family to blame Moses and even hate him, thinking that all he wants is power, and this will probably lead to future problems.
Help Guys, im new in this site. I would like to download heart of greed that comes with english subtitles. is that possible ? i have register as a member but could not find any download site. Do i have to wait until the administrator let me or what should i do next ? thanks
You need to go through the screening process. Try: http://www.dramasian.com/forum/showthread.php?t=13946 Also, as far as I know, there aren't any available with English subtitles, at least not here at PA.