episode 26-30 discussion.

Discussion in 'Heart of Greed - 溏心風暴' started by shinobi, May 14, 2007.

  1. stephybaby

    stephybaby New Member

    yar... they make a cute couple... hahaha... feel like killing the second wife... so cold blooded... arghhh......
  2. asiangang

    asiangang Well-Known Member

    Is Ray suppose to die in this series?
  3. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    Yeah, you need to download a program called winrar. Try here: http://www.download.com/3000-2250-10007677.html

    I think Ray dies in the end, cos if you see the themesong, the girls huddle up in the funeral parlour and there's ray's pic in the background

    But I don't think Ray and Linda are breaking up just yet...cos I remember seeing some promo pics of duk duk dei and Tracy Ip together as a couple and Ray and Linda meeting them. So I think there's still more to come. Dunno. Just a wild guess :D
  4. yoyo is cold blooded too she feels no remorse for breaking her best friends heart? <_<

    so where does that leave yoyo and raymond do they continue to sneak around when they are dating?...scare that linda might find out?

    tong yun guy is drinking the poison of the 2nd wifes...cant beleive she got him to get married so fast......the wife just died too.
  5. xxsweetheartxx

    xxsweetheartxx Well-Known Member

    I wonder how "Chinatown" is gonna die and when cuz that's when the greed really starts! can't wait, it'll be soo goood!
  6. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    I think he dies of a heart attack
  7. philostrate

    philostrate Well-Known Member

    yeah i heard there'll be tracy ip...she's quite pretty but does look similar to carrie lam who plays grass biscuit(linda,fala n yoyo's friend) no wonder there r people mistaken them
  8. JennV

    JennV Well-Known Member

    OMG In Episode 29, I Cried When Linda Cried, I Feel So Sorry For Her. I Cant Believe Raymond Can Do Such A Thing. The Part Where Yoyo Was At Raymond's House And Linda Came Up Was Kinda Easy I Think, Like For Other Girls, They'd Actually Go In The House To See Who Is It, But Linda Just Got Dragged Away? I Find Yoyo To Be Kinda Evil, Like When Linda And Raymond Was Arguing Downstairs, She Was Listening Right? Well After When Linda's Like, "We're Over" I Kinda Saw A Smile On Yoyo's Face, But I Dont Know. And I Think Raymond And Linda Still Have A Chance Because How Before 29 Ended, The Shell That Raymond Gave Her Was Still On Her Desk So She Still Loves Him Very Much, So I Think That She'll End Up Forgiving Him, But Then Will Break Up Again? Because Once Again The Scene Where Yoyo Was At Raymond's House, She Gave Him A "Lucky Love Pocket" Thing, Before He Opened The Door For Linda, He Stuffed It In His Pocket, Meaning He Cant Give Up The Relationship Between Him And Yoyo, So Maybe He'll Cheat On Linda Again? I Dont Know, Oh Well, Linda Will End Up With Moses Anyways. Will Raymond Die? Because In The Beginning Of Each Episode, The Theme Song Plays, And There's This Part Where Raymond Is In An Car Accident, Also Where Linda And All Of Them Hug Together In The Kinda "Cemetary" Place And There's A Picture Hanging On The Wall That Looks Like Raymond, Plus They're Wearing All Black, So I'm Guessing Someone Died? Maybe Raymond? Although At This Moment I Really Hate Raymond's Character, But I Dont Want Him To Die! The Letter That He Wrote To Linda Also Made Me Cry, Its So Touching, But Fake. Oh! And He Mention About The "Cant Giving Up The Feeling With Yoyo" *Hint* So Like Yeah, I Liked How He Said, "I Realized How Scared I Was To Lose You."
  9. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    yaaa Ah Foon is guilty. He shouldnt lie... everybobdy think that Lee CK forgave Susanne...

    Hope it will be a happy end :)
  10. philostrate

    philostrate Well-Known Member

    although he's guilty but still he kept quiet so his mum has her evil planning granted which is marrying chinatown

    yeah the chinese tortoise rily mou hing geh!:D
  11. naruuuto

    naruuuto Active Member

    anyone know when we will catch up to the preview in the first episode?
  12. andy18

    andy18 Active Member

    back stabbing makes a series so gd - keep it comin. EVIL EVIL people do anything for money
  13. cat

    cat Well-Known Member

    I can't believed that China Town still believed the 2wife and he even decided to marry her. I feel sad for Linda because Raymond cheated on her with Yoyo.
  14. daphne_uijen

    daphne_uijen Member

    I really wish Yoyo's character was never included in this series!!! Arrgghh.... but there won't be a drama without her. Yeah, at this point I can't stand Yoyo. What kind of a friend is that?!??!!

    Am wondering too how Tong Yun Guy will die... and Raymond is really gonna die? That's kinda sad... but not that sad.... if he cheats on Linda AGAIN!! Hehehe =)
  15. andy18

    andy18 Active Member

    china town is so stupid - just cause his first wife died doesnt mean he has 2 re marry - second wife will end up killing china town haha deserves it
  16. asiangang

    asiangang Well-Known Member

    right now, i just hope Raymond wont die...would be soo sad if he did :(
  17. -Tisken-

    -Tisken- Well-Known Member

    just finished episode 30.
    I must say, moses did great job!!!
    he kept saying: "normal friend"
    very good ~~
  18. asiangang

    asiangang Well-Known Member

    i just finished watchin ep30..
    When Linda was cryin(again) to Yoyo, yoyo said no1 will hurt her anymore..so hopefully she'll stop bein with Raymond.

    i liked how Moses insisted on *normal friends*.

    lovin this series
  19. sir_denster

    sir_denster Well-Known Member


    Felt so bad for Duk Duk Dei since he had to wear the entire brunt of being against the wedding since Lei Yee left...

    At least Foon finally told the truth!

    Waiting to see how Gil teams up with Second Wife.
  20. JennV

    JennV Well-Known Member

    Just Finish Watching 30, I CRIED SO MUCH! Yess. I Think Raymond Is Going To Die. VERY SAD!! And I Dont Know, I Still Have A Feeling That Raymond And Yoyo Hasnt End Yet. But I Think Linda Will Forgive Raymond.