episode 31 - 35 Discussion

Discussion in 'Heart of Greed - 溏心風暴' started by JennV, May 21, 2007.

  1. chickenutbread

    chickenutbread Well-Known Member

    alfred's going to die? whaaat?
  2. philostrate

    philostrate Well-Known Member

    it's just that moses has nvr had a girlfriend before and he's always so nice to linda...now that linda heard him having feeling for a girl other than her has triggered her feelings for moses too...all the while moses has been by her side and she has fall for him unconsciously too..

    seriously raymond did a good job in mourning for her mum and cried to linda...how his voice was shaking and tears flowing at the right time....i've always like his crying...so emotional....reminds me of him crying in golden faith while he was in the court showing how remorseful he was doing all harmful things to his brother (gallen lo)
  3. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    Darn darn darn!! I was away from civilisation for a few days and missed so much!! And my dl speed is so freakin slow! AARRRGGGHH! Frustrated. Hmmm...so Linda has started falling for Moses, eh? Good...looking forward to that!
  4. maureenk

    maureenk Member

    seriously, i feel that raymond's character does not deserve linda's character... and please, can someone just slap that yoyo woman for me?!
  5. philostrate

    philostrate Well-Known Member

    sorry 4 d spoiler :p
  6. wantirnaar

    wantirnaar Well-Known Member

    good thing must have an ending otherwise...
  7. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    Haha...no probs man, I wouldn't be browsing around this thread if I didn't want to know what happened :D
  8. cat

    cat Well-Known Member

    Finally Linda break-up with Ray. Do you guy think Linda will forgive Yoyo?
  9. deedee

    deedee Member

    I think she will forgive Yoyo because she recieved al letter from herself or something. But if I was linda I wouldn't forgive her
  10. at least yoyo shows signs of remorse and regret at first she didn't care she hurted her friend :( ...raymond deserves this... he gets none of the girls now!

    foon jai is so gullible....henry and her mom convinced him so easily -_- i like evil henry ...he's so smart at doing his evil deeds. -lol
  11. shinybow

    shinybow Well-Known Member

    I saw in the newspaper that Chinatown suppost to die at eps 32 but the extend his "life" until eps 38 (almost the ending)
  12. dreyvii

    dreyvii Well-Known Member

    Wow...breaks my heart to see Raymond and Linda. Raymond's love for Linda never dies, does it? But too bad he made such a mistake. Two years passed...so fast! It's amazing how he still cares for her.
  13. liquidzyklon

    liquidzyklon Well-Known Member

    The truth is finally out there. Linda deserved to know what happened between Raymond and Yoyo. No longer will there be the 4 pretty flowers. Time pass by pretty "fast" when Linda and Raymond are writing their journals. It seems like Raymond is starting to take pointers from Moses and be Linda's overseeing angel, helping her behind her back.

    The series is going to pick up after the two years because the 2nd wife can now get her $$
  14. pandae

    pandae New Member

    Cant wait till ep34, saw those 10 sec preview at the end of 33. I think all the drama is going to begin nex episode. Dont noe if tong yun gai will die or not....so excited to see what will happen, but I will be so angry at that Sai Ma and evil Henry!!
  15. loztxoul

    loztxoul Well-Known Member

    this is reaching to it's climax right now!!! can't
  16. Championchi

    Championchi Member

    hey i thought that the second wife is sooo evil ESPECIALLY after watching chapter 33!!! she made chinatown have a stroke just to get her money!!! Doesnt she know that Henry's just going to take it away from her once she gets her 3 billion dollars!!!! I HATE Alfred he tOTALLY doesnt deserve Seurng Choi Sum!! Hes a dumbass he deserves to have his stupid diary of days without "seurng choi sum" I cant believe they sped through two years in like five minutes, i guess because the wife has to divorce chinatown and can only get money after two years. ITS SOO DUMB how Seurng Choi Sum doesnt go out with Duk Duk DEI!! I thought she was starting to like him in chapter 32!!!!

    PS DOES ANYONE KNOW WHATS THE SONG THEY PLAY around the 16mins mark of chpater 34 where Seurng Choi Sum just finds out taht Siu Mut Mut is the third wheel and throws her shell in the ocean??? I really like the song it goes like "im tired, oh so tired of crying, dont you know that my heart feels like its dying..." please tell me if you do know it would be much appreicated!
  17. philostrate

    philostrate Well-Known Member

    stupid foon foon...why did he make such suggestion? has just forgiven him for lying and now he's doing it again...

    i wonder why yoyo let linda c the diary since before that she was so adamant and made ray promised not to let linda know bout their relationship....
  18. JennV

    JennV Well-Known Member

    33, Is So Sad.
  19. demonle

    demonle Well-Known Member

    I think she said it was because she was curious to see what would happen and probably to let everyone feel a lot better over time, even though it's painful. Alfred and 水擘擘 will not have to keep on hiding the truth from 常在心 and 常在心 will not have to be bothered with the pain of not knowing who the third party was.

  20. yoyo wanted linda to find it so raymond will have no chance of getting back with her...but she never have thought raymond had so much love for linda.

    either way it was a lose lose situation...let her know they break up , dont let her know they don't get back together...by letting her know...she loses her best friend...which is way worst.