i think chiller would stand for someone who is chiling as in your a chiller Oo... this is the chill forum ...
LOL funny story. I hate how dog owners dont clean up after their dogs... making us step in their dog's sh!t...
i step in sh*t once in a school classroom.....i still wonder how it got there and it was a really bad day.. i had to sit through 90 mins of that class smelling really bad
dam i hate my neighbour's dogs...those creeps likes to shit in front of my gate...but i haven step onto those ----...
haha yes! i hate it. i was little once and stepped in some on the beach, my sister was mean and made me wash it off myself. also, first couple of days into school and our science class went outside to do an ecosystem lab (psh stupid), i was like the last to notice i stepped in it after ppl were pointing at my feet saying "eww ew." next class i had a spanish presentation and it stunk. so bad. =(
Yea dog crap sucks! Well, I have a dog myself. But, don't blame me for dog crap on the floor because I usually ahve to pick up al lthe dog crap! =\ But I think the worst is when there's some crap on the floor. And then your friend is like O CRAP! watch out for that?! And then you're like OOH Crasp?! WHat? and then you jump up and like actually step into it...and then it's like...it would have been even better if like they had not said anything. Then maybe i would have avioded it...ahha But actually i think at that time it was kinda dried already so it was okay. =\