-lol his exercises make up of mostly cardio and abs about 60 percent. the other 40 percent is weights... yep///amazing...he runs 7mphs per day for 5 days...it takes hime less then half hour as I recall reading...
ye incredible person he was. but don't think that routine would be doable for an average person. lol.
He does cardio pretty much every session regardless of whether or not he is lifting weights. I read the book entitled "The art of Expressing the human body" by John Little, which details Bruce Lee's exercise regimen. During the time he was in Enter The Dragon, or I think even before that, he adapted what is now known as circuit training. This is just performing several exercises back to back with no stop for either a set amount of time (say 30 seconds) or reps (say 8 to 10 reps) per exercises, moving on to the next one until your whole circuit is complete. He does include a intense cardio station within the circuit, but regardless, his heart is pumping due to the anaerobic nature of the sessions (weights). Find some circuit samples and try them yourself, depending on how hard you work they can kick your butt. examples. Gym jones, www.gymjones.com Crossfit, www.crossfit.com Ross Training www.rosstraining.com (he is very respected and he knows what he is talking about, his videos are also insane too, the forum is also very good.). (Sorry if I am not allowed to put in websites...)
I'm getting there...can run 7mph per session...but not as as fast...can lift body weight easily...pullups/bench etx...hehe...watch out bruce...
alot of those "bruce lee could ..." are BS they've turned into jokes but yes he was a beast, but as exagerated as some say his a prime example, of some one being cut low bodyfat, defined muscles, but his not really that big because he does alot of circuits and cardio, he must use up alot of calories a day hence not being able to get really big, but than he didnt want to get big...