make them look normal or the future potential of breast feeding...But, honestly...try imagining guys without tits tat would be so weird hahha....
hahaha... that's the title of the book... the book isn't entirely about nipples... n one of the questions in the book was "do cucumbers really cure puffy eyes?" and haemorrhoid cream was one of the things that helps...
Now...i aint putting ne cream tats meant for the arse on ma feels odd hahha....i'll just use the slow and steady way hahaha teabags, cucumber wateva works
well all know XX chromosome makes a female and the XY chromosome makes the male correct?? during development the embryo follows the X chromosome template which means it's developing the female characters... then until about six weeks the Y chromosome kicks in for a male embryo... the embryo then begins to develop all of it's male characteristics... therefore men left with nipples n also with some breast tissue... men can even get breast cancer
wow, someone knows there science-lol and what tea bags do you mean? like the ones you buy from supermarkets??
^ haha... i doubt i'll see that day come as well... nipples... pointless for dudes... another point of weakness with extra nerves runn'n though there >.< just makes titty twisters hurt more
not entirely useless i guess... some guys likes the attention around there during foreplay yeah... n end up with saggy boobs...
according to the book there're some medical conditions that can cause male breasts to enlarge like using anabolic steroids... so next time when ur on the sports channel c if u can spot any athlets with man boobs... -smart
hahahahaha.....but they might be wearing them sports keep them in place hahaahaha wahh....dawnny ho lek lui ah funny... i just told one of my guy colleagues hes got man was sooo funny... he actually double checked his own chest... time i said it to a guy and he hated me for it....some guys really dont like that comment
hahaha... thx... but no i'm not la... i got those straight out of the book... it's called plagiarism yeah... like one of my fd he looks sooooooooo skinny... like skin n bones... but when he tried on these singlet tops the whole shop was cracking up at his saggy man boobs puahahhahahaha -sweat
ahh... dang... hope that didnt hurt his feel'ns. man boobs... i've probably seen the jiggliest of them all ... -dead very frightening... dude jumped over my backpack to get to the door... OMG, it's like when he hit the floor, there was a tremor, then a larger aftershock when his man boobies came down as well and for some reason i couldn't stop staring at'm -sick2 they were so.... huge.... dude was like probably 180 - 200 lbs at 5"11 at most. but no muscle what so ever... so jiggly....