F**K Home Alarm

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by negiqboyz, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. ab289

    ab289 Well-Known Member

    this is interesting, negi. do keep me/us posted how the lawsuit (if you are planning one) turns out ...
  2. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Well, the total repair cost is around $1200. My claims have been denied from both the fire dept and alarm com. I don't want to deal with my insurance cuz that might kick up my premium. Lawyer? NO. Doing that will require a $2500 retaiment fee for writing the letter and for $1200, I have to do it through small claim court. I have to represent myself in court so it's a lot of trouble; not to mention I have to pay court fees.

    Fire department said it responded to the alarm company signal and broke my door down to ensure everything is indeed safe. Alarm company simply responded to the signal from the computer monitor and claimed there wasn't any glitches during the day and time that happened .. so whatodo??? The problem is that sometimes .. when the alarm is out of battery, it will also send a signal to the alarm com .. but I didn't hear any beep at home ... the alarm usually beep when the battery is dying out... so no clue.

    My last option beside going to court is to contact consumer affair at the DA office and BBB for help to see if they can help mediate or whatever and see what happen.

    I am thinking about changing alarm company after what happened here. I don't have anything valuable; not even a tv or whatever .. not much furniture at home but it just feels safer with an alarm system since it's a big house and we're not home all the time.
  3. yea.. after this.. fuck that company..

    I got a new alarm system for you..

    Tripwire, shotgun, bear trap.
  4. BestOffer

    BestOffer Well-Known Member

    lawyer fees are expensive, just by talking to them for legal advice is $100 CAD per 30 minutes...

    i had water damaged in the house w/ cracked toilet tank, and constantly water filled the whole 3rd floor down to the second, we claimed insurance, it will only increase < 5% over the next year...and it was all worth it; if you aren't clamming ur insurance company, then why are you even paying it :shifty:
  5. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    Of course, it's not so simple. We bought home insurance for good reasons; but to file a claim on such petty amount in return for an increase in premium down the road, gotta weigh if it's worth it at all. Your case is a bit different than mine, your home was flooded and the damage was probably a lot worst so it's appropriate to file a claim.

    Of course, having the option is not bad at all. Until I exhausted all my options, it's never to late to file a claim with the insurance.