succulent juicy lobster tail dipped in thick scorching hot melted butter... with the strong aroma of garlic...
Man Meal: The Henney Hoagie (aka Daniel Henney) Mouth-watering Korean 'hot wings', marinated with a secret, special sauce. Served with several different sides, but each in its own is pleasingly tantalizing. He's packed with protein and iron as well as all the essential vitamins and minerals any vivacious, on-the-go, health-conscious girl needs. He's a quick meal that can last throughout the day and into the night. He can make you come for the food and stay for the entertainment. A dish so tasty, licking your fingers is the ONLY option. Silverware and napkins not required... Man Meal: A Second Serving of Rare Beef (aka Daniel Wu) Dim the lights and come get Sum. This dish is a harmonious integration of color, redolence, taste, shape and the fineness of what a real man should be. Masterful in fluid, yet powerful and palatable movements, this savory course will help you find inner peace. He can help produce a zen-like state unlike any other you've ever known. He has the effect of prolonging life, sustaining the constitution, and promoting energy. He's an array of raw ingredients just ready for the mouth and to nourish the soul. Cater to your cravings with this enticing delicacy. Enjoy every morsel to their fullest and finest extent! ahahha...seriously? Lemon paprika chicken breast topped with sesame seeds, browned in extra virgin olive oil and unsalted butter; finished in the oven. Served with sauteed baby shitake mushrooms in oyster sauce and sesame seeds, fresh asparagus in a spicy garlic sauce, and natural brown rice.
geez shy thanks for dirtyin up my thread... would you like an order of Double Daniel wit a side of Bok Choy!!! and damn does your parents actually make that Lemon paprika chicken dish... good lawd that sounds pretty good.
bread POWER! HI YAHH!! do you kung fu that bread every time you eat it? give it a jump kick to da head? My favourite dish is Curry Goat.