hehe... I'm 5"7 myself and I'm fully asian... not mixed.... average asian girls tend to be a bit shorter than western girls... just depends on the genes really! keke~~
Does height matter as much? Heck There is this girl taller then me by 2 inches but she is quite cute with her short straight hair and glasses. Shes quite shy though =0. Yet quite true most Asian girls by 20's tend to be around 5' 6". Any higher would have to be from genes.
yeahhh sucks... even my bf is as long as I am when wearing heels.... thats why I mostly dont wear... but anywaysz... he's longer than me! xD not at all... in the netherlands asian girls of our height (5 '4) are average till tall...
hahahah yes she means tall....we use the word "lang"for long...she just translated it literally...its a bad habit we dutchies tend to have hahaha