Final Episodes! You're thoughts? [Spoiler Warning: only read if you have finished watching]

Discussion in 'Forensic Heroes III - 法證先鋒 III' started by moonlightshadow, Nov 20, 2011.

  1. moonlightshadow

    moonlightshadow Well-Known Member

    OMG! The ending is so dumb lol! As if not kill them straight away!
    Goes out and finds oil and then burns them. If you were that pissed off about finding your father dead would have just killed them and made them suffer by having one watch the other die.

    Fail! Ron chases the other dude in the day, and then it turns into a night scene o_O The chase must have been for ages!

    Hmm wish there was more twist and turns. Didn't really feel like a final case.
  2. turbobenx

    turbobenx .........

    cant believe they killed Nancy's character....The writers effing sucks......But otherwise, the drama is OK...the romance is a little bit cheap, but, i'll let it slide because i skipped most of those parts anyways...6/10 for me.
  3. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Meh the ending was like 0_0, they should have left it as a happy ending rather than an open case (those clowns). 6.5/10 for me.
  4. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Why does the last last case always seem so interesting..?
  5. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Lol sarcasm ftw. The last case was so easy and I felt that it have been rushed.

    It would have been great if Amie didn't die, like if that electricuting thingy brought her back to life it would have been a happy ending. It's like the bullet shot her on the right side and it didn't hit her heart so she still could have been brought back to life.

    PS: Just realised a spelling error in the thread's title. You're = You are, this means it should be "Your" rather than "You're"...
  6. KandyKidx

    KandyKidx Well-Known Member

    I'm suprised they killed off Angel! Overall, good drama I think. Predictable but enjoyable to watch. Maybe there's a fourth one of Forensic Heroes :p
  7. kevin

    kevin RAWR!

    Starring Jackie Chan and Tavia Yeung. :trollface:
  8. wal

    wal Well-Known Member

    maybe the guy meant the clown death scene was the last case? i was also curious as to what happened and why that particular clown who knows man man would've been killed. should've been a much better case than the crazy serial killer who kills all evil women... *yawn*
  9. snakekilla12

    snakekilla12 Well-Known Member

    -why did they kill the clown? he was so nice to mun mun
    -that car chasing scene with ron and the four eyes guy look like initial D
    - wayne should of die in the fire to make his save more heroic
    - kate should of died when the car was about to blow up with the four eyes guy
    -ron should of accidently shot kate then goes up to her holding her dead body while the car explodes on them both
  10. wal

    wal Well-Known Member

    speaking of the car chase scene... i was lmao when ron ng decided to block the car of the four eyes dude with kate tsui's side of the car. i guess he wanted to show her he really loved her xD
  11. moonlightshadow

    moonlightshadow Well-Known Member

    lol that was such a dumb thing to do though. It's like you want to Kamakazi!! The guy was insane already!
  12. Jeff

    Jeff 神之馬壯

    Lol but did Ron chase the guy for like hours? Started the chase like evening, then caught up at night
  13. koogepanini

    koogepanini Well-Known Member

    Geez. TVB never lets you down when it comes to terrible, rushed and completely unsatisfying endings. That must have been the longest car chase ever. In real life they would call for backup unrealistic.

    The last case was not worth killing off two of the more interesting characters/relationships, ie: Eva and Angel. The killer was so obvious; I mean they only introduced one other guy as a suspect. C'mon TVB!! Plus the whole "killing off evil mother/female figures" was rather uninspiring. And if they were going to kill off Angel which they totally should not have because Ken and Angel was the only couple worth watching, they should have also killed off Ada. That way, there is no Kate in the future... if there is a fourth one. And the whole diamond ring thing from Angel's ashes... I dunno...sigh

    FH3 is nothing compared to the first FH. Need to bring back Bobby and Yoyo and Frankie!!
  14. moonlightshadow

    moonlightshadow Well-Known Member

    Bobby is the best@!!!!
    Havent seen Frankie for ages too. I use to get him confused with Sunny lol =)
  15. hannah666

    hannah666 Well-Known Member

    angel is my fav character for this whole series and they have to kill her -_- i was like "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
  16. gd6noob

    gd6noob Well-Known Member

    i know... She was the cutest girl in the show, her half english, half cantonese was sooo darn cute.... then they have to go and kill her off.. WTF is wrong with them...

    GOD i dont like nancy wu, even the other show, 萬鳳之王 - Curse of the Royal Harem, she was pretty bad in it..
  17. dannylak23

    dannylak23 Well-Known Member

    few dam fake..
    1) Car Chasing daylight chase until Night
    2) "Ada" supposely to be dead or badly injured.. the car ram on her side.. came out like nothing really happen..
    3) Pro Sir with mandy walking near mandy's grandad's mountain.. suddenly she feel cold need jacket.. cant Pro Sir give to her? since he got the Coat on himself..?
    4) Pro Sir smash the kidnapper's rear window came in not first to stop the kidnapper... see how is mandy & suddenly got smack on his neck using the steering lock.. the kidnapper even got time to aim on his neck & smack on it WHILE driving corners..

    frankly speaking this FHIII sux..
  18. Aznmask

    Aznmask Well-Known Member

    Also how can Wayne leave Mandy alone.... (didnt they identified the suspect son)

    This series really suck. the plot, (so many unrealistic things)
  19. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member


    LOL, Pro sir's total lack of emotion on learning the identity of the latest victim in ep 29. "No... no... I'm OK, let's get back to work..." That's a mark of true professional, eh? Or, IMHO, a totally compassionless dolt that has no ability to feel. I mean, come on already, that's a woman he once loved, and the mother of his child; so he calmly steels his jaw and gets back to work? Please. Moreover, it was so not to be believed in the first place. Consider that the police had arrived and had ample time to set up a view blind over the body, and just about every other cop there knew Eva was Pro Sir's ex wife. So none of them would take the time to try to forewarn him before he arrived to the scene?

    Seriously, even if they themselves had just arrived at the scene and found out at the same time that Pro Sir did; how do they react? None of them would even cast a glance at Pro Sir. This would fly in the face of human responses. If someone walk into a scene where they saw the dead body of a friend's wife, and knowing that the friend was there, the first thing that most people would naturally do is to look at the friend, right? But not on TVB, they all keep staring at the dead body, LOL...

    Additionally, death bed scene: cardiac arrest and the pulseoximeter in the background still reads 99%? LOL...

    Also, in the scene where the killer recounts how he did it, notice that the victim is still standing; so how was he able to make the x in the victim's face?
    #20 ralphrepo, Nov 21, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2011