i was speechless but too bad i'm on the "hating" end of this lol. i saw a comment, didn't believe it. but then found out and i lost hope about ps3 pulling anything special at e3. but yea good for you xbox 360 owners, we can only stare at your other exclusive jrpgs and weep. sony/square enix screwed us.
Holy Crap who would have though that Square would release a Final Fantasy game for the Xbox360, though I am disappointed that they actually did that one of the reasons is that the XBOX360 sucks in my opinion I much prefer the PS3...though thanks for informing me, now I have something to stay away from like that release...
lost oddesy is awsome but i think they kinder messed up the diffuctly a bit cos from disc 1 to 3 its really easy but the last disc which is 4 its soo hard its unbelieveable, i need a guide to help me through, im still half way through disc 4 the monster is sooo hard, the boss just wipes u out in 1 hit 4000+ damage! p.s seems like loads of ps3 fan is very disappointed with ffx reasling on 360 lol, i hope sooner or later MGS4 comes on 360 LMAO then ps3 got no exclusive games hahaha, wonder if ps3 could ever get Gears of War? nahhh dont think sooo EPIC ftw
sony dropped the ball here...but i guess money is power and square wants to boost their bottom line by going to all the different systems..... sony messed up there....the ps3 is losing more of the exclusivity
well yea they kinda redeem themselves the 360 is only gonna get the regular FF13 while the ps3 gets the regular one and the FF13 versus they tried to make it exclusive in a sense but who would buy both games =/ we'll all have to play MGS4 or something in the time being til God of War 3 comes out other than that yea
WTF!??!??!?! how can ff13 go onto xbox 360... man what these ppl thinking when they announced that grrrr!!!!!
^it can't unless the game's gonna be crap...it'll need like 6 discs if you look at lost oddysey, that already needs 4.