LOL really cant expect much except some laughs xD the room thing is quite lame...& the fei fu dui thing is lamer....& awwww the bb keeps crying </3 poor bb Eric Li did another good job
meeh dat dam seew ja ma .... soo not bothered about it .... overall was oki ....... and yeah took ideas off saw .. which was a bit lame .. meeeh ....
boring ending .. i saw it last night with the mandarin version .. bad bad bad .. i wish they didn't make a sequel if it was this poorly written.
The whole spirit detached from the body was kind of weird. Major climatic moment of the last episode was a SAW rip. The ending was kind of lame.
gosh its from wonder it looks so familiar lol i really cant rmb things...."I remember the face, but I can't recall the name." <3
i think the ending was rushed and i expected the baby to participate more in solving cases, but it's still a good happy ending.
i think this sequel is a drag because the "B" is only useful in the end to give the flashbacks to Yin Hern Wah...
When I first I saw the room thing, I laughed out loud. I don't mind them taking ideas from Saw but at least make it your own and not such an obvious copycat. I thought the out of body thing was another lame attempt from Ghost and how Roger got back into his body was laughable. I hope they don't make a DIE 3
it is lame but i thought Sonjia and Roger were cute... especially when she kept punch Big Mouth Ying when Roger was in him lol...
ugh.. so many things to complain about the ending.. terrible lol.. especially james bond guy... such stupid inventions.. not to mention a defibrilator would never do what they made it to do.. defibs stop hearts. really cheesy, somewhat enjoyable, but really wish they wrote a better script throughout
lame rip off of saw, id rather see more of that big mouth hawk/roger kwok angle thing and they should've shown big mouth hawk more and less roger kwok that time, that was friggin hilarious especially when they were playing my love my darling song hahahhaa..i cracked the shit up.
i was expecting a little more out of the helping them solve was only used in the ending which is kind of whack....i like part 1 better
Hahah thats the first thing that came to my mind when I "saw" it as well ... But it worked out pretty well ... did that bloke die? or did he escape?
this series is not as interesting as i expected. overall, the show was just ok to me. i think i prefer D.I.E. even the cases in D.I.E. was much better than cases in D.I.E. again.