bobby was driving a race steering the one that crashed was some shit box hahhahah
i think it's just a modded TSX and i dont think it's formally call a 'race car' (even if modded imo)....But i thought it was a mugen for a sec, now that made me go WOW for a sec when i had a glimpse at it, since the US doesnt have such machines. ...there is two episode today but....nvm, i think i see y.
first episode - better than I thought! lam fung is indeed chok wong!!! haha* his eyes..... yeahh.. they got leaked... actaully 5 episodes are on DVD. no idea how... but it got leaked somehow! ><
is it just me or does Raymond keep doing that expressionless smile with blank staring eyes? The show's alright so far I guess. But I don't really like how they made a comical twist to it in the beginning.
This drama is BORING. Lam Fung sucks .. The storyline is kinda like the kdrama 49 Days .. sigh .. horrible.
Bobby was driving a Honda Accord Type-R JDM Version with white rims, racing seats, racing steering wheel, which has no air bag before the crash.. The car that crashed seems like a Toyota Camry or a Nissan Altima with steelies/hub cover.
i know its not a race but i just said it cause of the features it had...but wait what?? there's TSX in hk??? i didnt know
the show is retarded and i hate lam fung (what's with the ryuk ripped off? seriously wtf?)... but then i like bobby... i hope it gets better