ofcourse its true what I said, they care about how they look, but they care so much that it makes them looks like homo's, its like what Dawn says: nail polish.... hm..... that looks pretty gay if I need to be honest, but yet the are hetero
metros are a step away from bisexual imo and cud prolly be that if the opportunity presented itself :// from what ive heard, quite a few guys become bisexual after 5 beers...
I can assure you that this is NOT true I go a lot of clubs and stuff and no, guys dont become bisexual after 5 beers, at least not me nor my friends XD
hehe i think i saw it on Bravo or something. my friend for some strange reason went to a gay bar with his friends (male and female) and he told me he got drunk and woke up lying on the floor outside the the place. cant remember if he said his trousers was down but i do remember laughing at him for the rest of the day.
lolz... on one side thats kinda scary hah... wut if he got an STD or something from another dude? (is that even possible?)
but you dont agree with me??-cry2-cry2 thats kind of scary... if he didnt know if anything had happened when he was in a gaybar
awwwww... poor thing... sorry to tell u this but she love me more... coz i don't look gay with nail polish
and you are even making the situation worse by calling me a THING!!!!!-cry2-cry2-cry2-cry2-cry2 which isn't even equal to the lowest point of being a human being -cry2-cry2-cry2-cry2-cry2
lol dont you ever sleep?? isnt it already like in the middle of the night in sydney? and ye I do sleep im almost going to my bed with my teddybear
you are serious insane to wake up at 9 am on a saturday..... you slept 5 hours and you manage to wake up at 9 am.... omfg........................................... im feeling sick even just by imagine waking up at 9 am saturday/// fasdflaj!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
well... when u reach a certain age... u get a body clock... i'm used to waking up at 6:30 for class... now i can't sleep damn it...
Glad that I don't have a body clock yet lol. It would be hell if I did have one. Even when I wake up for schoool so early I find it hell....