Forum member committed suicide in front of webcam

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by MissCheekS, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. wow you are little crazy in the head....
  2. AC0110

    AC0110 Let the Fun Begin

    Who would have thought that he's serious since it's on a forum -_-
  3. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    The police probably didn't know what they were walking into, hence, they smashed down the door with weapons drawn when no one answered, breaking off a piece of door frame which then landed on the body; the police officer's laser targeting system is seen as it moves across the victim for a few seconds. Thereafter, when the police officer is reasonably assured that the person on the bed is not a threat, the emergency medical worker (with the pink colored trauma shears) came into the room and checked the victim for a signs of life (pulse). During the entire duration of the video, there is no discernible sign of respirations (ie no rhythmic rise and fall of the thorax as common with breathing). Further, when the door was smashed and the fragment struck the victim, there was no Startle Reflex. So is s/he dead? I'm not certain, however there is nothing in the video that would dispute that.

    As is common with most suicide attempts, many victims will reveal their plans to others, which is testament to their ambivalence and allows for a failsafe mechanism of others to "come to the rescue" so to speak. Moreover, the method chosen (ingestion) typically guarantees a marginal buffer of safety in that it would take a certain amount of time for the pills to poison him, creating a window of opportunity for the arrival of assistance. People who genuinely want to die will usually do so with methods of overwhelming and quick lethality (gun in mouth, jump off tall structure, etc) and will not tell anyone about it. Hence, in my opinion, this was a genuine suicide attempt but without real intent; that the victim certainly didn't want to die. His depression, his poor method in dealing with it, and his miscalculation regarding his window of rescue opportunity ultimately cost him his life. Indeed, rather textbook but nonetheless sad.
    #23 ralphrepo, Nov 21, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2008
  4. ProjectD

    ProjectD VIP yay :]

    wow... people really got some issues -___-X
  5. wind2000

    wind2000 Self Schemata

    Whats up with angie and her death news? :/
  6. dim8sum

    dim8sum ♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫♪....

    ^bad news sells!

    better than him slitting his throat live on webcam.....
  7. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Well, it looks like the video was finally removed by whatever powers that be (just as well). But I just wanted to note that while the victim did have a need for attention, it was a part of his psychiatric disease process. He could no more stop himself from doing so than a diabetic could stop his sugar from going up. Members of the general public often don't appreciate that these people are genuinely in crisis and in need of intervention.

    Whether anyone feels a sense of loss over the death of another human being is a very personal issue that I won't even attempt to broach. However, my own, personal view is that to watch another human being needlessly die, and feel nothing is, already a tragedy unto itself.
    #27 ralphrepo, Nov 21, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2008
  8. [N]

    [N] RATED [ ]

    some comments here makes fun of the matter....fucked up peeps on PA.
  9. BigC

    BigC Well-Known Member

    Wow, that's crazy... I wonder if the members of bodybuilder that bullied him will be charged
    with cyberbullying...
  10. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Cyberbullying FTW!
  11. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol, man, he coulda read this , lol , i mean man, just log off if ur getting bullied or something ,

    1. Save every message. Cyber bullying is somewhat easier for a bully to perform, since they don't have to do anything when the victim is right there in front of them. But you're smarter than that. You may just want to click "delete" on that hateful email, text, or IM. However, this is not the right way to go. Because there may come a time, when this bully needs to be reported- and you'll need all the evidence right there in front of you. Save and print each and every mean thing they send. Bookmark or "favorite" the webpages they diss you on. The day will come, when you'll need this evidence.
    2. Never participate. If you recieve a "bully" message, never get more invovled than you need to. Replying to that hurtful comment will only lead to trouble- what you say on the internet, STAYS there, no matter what you do; and anger, sadness, or any other emotion can cause you to do this you'll regret. Keep your cool. It's okay to be upset, but responding to the bully just as they have responded to you, will fix nothing.
    3. Identify the person doing it. Emails and screenames can be decieving, and temporarily disguise a bully. However, there are ways of figuring out the guilty party. First, write down the email or screename you've recieved this from. Check your inbox- have you ever recieved ANYTHING from this person before? This may clue you in. If not, simply go to the email provider (after the @ part of the email) website, and search the screename you have. If the profile is not blocked, you should be able to view this person's name. When all else fails, get others involved. Let your parents or teachers know the situation. Most likely, they can track the IP adress, and get the exact location of the attacker.
    4. Approach them in person. A cyber bully is nothing when not behind their internet mask. Talking to them about it upfront, might even scare them away. If this person seems not to be intimidated, or issues more violent or humiliating threats, contact an adult to intervene.
    5. If severeL Press charges. Bullying of any kind is illeagel in most states. After letting a parent into the situation, allow them to contact the bully's parents (if the school has not already done this). If you've suffered severely from this, or experienced humiliation or violent threats/acts, this girl/boy can be suspended, expelled, or even arrested depending on how severe they've acted.

    1. Read through all the messages you have sent them -- if you started out as friends maybe you have been nasty to them without knowing it. There may still be a chance to sort it out.
    2. Reply asking them if they still want to be friends and why they are being mean.
    3. If they still continue, tell one of your friends, a guardian or teacher, as this will help you and will support you.
    4. If you can block the bully, then do it and fast.
    5. Start deleting their messages and if they keep sending you messages check that they are on the same internet company. Phone the company up asking if they could give them a warning
    6. If all that fails, then, change your email.

    [edit] Tips

    • Don't give them a reaction. That's what they want.
    • Don't reply to any emails/instant messenger or chatroom conversations from a bully/harasser.
    • If you get any emails/instant messenger or chatroom conversations from a bully/harasser, save them and print them off which can be used as evidence and show these to your parents and to the police. Remember bullying and harassment in this way IS A CRIME! (You can copy and paste an email/instant messenger or chatroom conversation from a bully/harasser on to a Word Document)
    • Always tell someone. They will support you;
    • Make sure you have tried everything you can before changing your email.
    • Be very careful who you give your email address and your telephone numbers to. Only give your email address and your telephone numbers to friends, family and other trusted people. If in doubt check with your parents.
    • Remember some people can lie - e.g., someone telling you they are gentle lamb could really be vicious mean bad wolf or someone telling you they are an 11 year old girl could really be a man in his 40s. Be very careful who you trust, you never know these days who is honest and who is a liar.
  12. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    ^ What happens if its in facebook??? It leaves a huge mark, unless you delete the message.
    Isn't that right evo? ;)
  13. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    yeah i agree...
    i dont understand whats so funny about it.... it is fucked i guess those ppl just dont care about other ppl's life

    i know he took his own life n that was his own decision but to make fun about it is just wrong...
  14. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Yeah, I get cyberbullied on facebook by someone who keeps saying the 'f word' to me, I think he does it to Flaming as well -lol
  15. negiqboyz

    negiqboyz Well-Known Member

    it's not funny .. it's stupid .. i mean the guy who committed suicide (if he really did) cuz life is so precious to die over some bully msgs .. if he intended to die anyway, why bother doing over the internet like ralph said earlier .. he doesn't otherwise, he could just put a bullet through his head or jump off the building .... psych prob or attentionwhore like i said earlier. heartless as it may sound, don't feel sorry if he's dead. it's better for us too .. earth resources are depleting anyway .. one less is better for all .. lol
  16. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    ^ whoa dang u really are cruel :p that doesnt come to my mind when ppl die =/

    im not sure why he wanted to commit suicide but im sure it wasnt just over those messages...n i dont know why he did it in front of the webcam...
    he was probably just trying to prove that he would do it or somethin...???
  17. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Damn, dude... You a regular humanitarian, ain't you... :heherm:

    One of the problems about the internet is that there is no real way to vet the type of responses that one gets. In this instance, what we had was a very obviously fragile mind in psychiatric crisis reaching out for help. But instead of calling a suicide hotline for trained assistance and guidance away from self harm, the internet actually connected the victim to elements that gleefully preyed on his confused state, encouraging him to make catastrophic wrong choices. In a way, it would be akin to telling a trusting child to run across a busy street knowing full well that he may be killed by traffic. If anything, this goes way beyond the cyber bullying of one person against another; it seems more like a cyber lynch mob strung him up a tree.

    On another note, I'm heartened to see some government involvement in issues of cyber bullying. Other nations should learn from and join the efforts as demonstrated recently by the Republic of Korea in dealing with the internet related death of one of it's most popular female media personalities.
    #37 ralphrepo, Nov 22, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2008
  18. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    ^ sad to say it'll be a while before this anti cyber bullying thing will take place....
  19. MissCheekS

    MissCheekS Reconnaîssant ❤

    hmmmm... i wonder what the government will do?
    the ppl online might say that they thought he was fakin it or say that they were joking?

    last time there was an thread abt an article of a guy in UK who was gonna jump off a bridge n ppl who passed by encouraged him to do it n filmed it or something
    thats even worse... i wonder if they got any sort of punishment?

    I dont know if they should get punishment or not... i mean... its the person's own choice
    i know i wouldnt encourage anyone to commit suicide but some ppl see it as "a joke"

    actually i remember one guy saying on PA that he was gonna kill himself... gahhh... i got so scared!!! i totally freaked out! i was too scared to reply to him but some ppl advised him how to do it n gave him tips etc =/
  20. mr_evolution

    mr_evolution ( • )( •ԅ(ˆ⌣ˆԅ)

    Where Where?