^ pssshhh shallup you -noclue.... reminds me of that download program i sued to use.....bearshare...which was oies but then got pretty crappyy....
grrr.....i cant update that thingie scan...keeps telling me my thingies 2 weeks out of date... when i try to update it this msg keeps popping up....why wont it let me..when it keeps telling me to do it?? :( is it really necessary to update it??
^if that wont let you, i think you can go to their website and download the files manually and put them back in the correct folder
either hold the "CTRL" key when you get the updates or get Ad-Aware 2007, because personal se version is the older version.
nopes still cant update it....ehhh....does it matter if not update?? how can it be old..-huh... but i update quite frequently wor....
latest version of adaware 2007 free: http://www.download.com/Ad-Aware-20...045910.html?part=dl-ad-aware&subj=dl&tag=top5
^ whats isohunt?? does it matter if not the latest version though??...as it clearly warnig me for past few weeks nows... i asked one of my friends and they said to me....if scared just dont go ont the internet >.<...he gave me this list of instructions though...-^-^ but dont really understand what to do with it....-sweat errmm..this is gonna sound like really silly... how do you know where the fire wall is?? and how do you turn it off or something??
^lol if you have norton internet security, just disable it...and if it's windows firewall conflicting with ad-aware (i don't think so) go change a setting, then windows firewall and just disable it for a while i guess. but best thing to do is just to uninstall this one and use ad-aware 2007 lol. ad-aware is kinda like deleting the temporary internet cookies anyways so it's not that essential to have.
but i dont normally need to turn anyhting off wor...it normally just updates automatically.... no i dont use norton.....windows have separate firewall....-ohmy this is so confusingggg
Have you tired removing that old version and installing the latest one? Also, this will give you an understanding of the windows firewall: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/networking/security/winfirewall.mspx Knoc
nopes not had chance to play with it yet...mebe do it tonight when i get home...>.< if only someone would do it for meee....
okies well i was installing that new one.....and did it and was like woot woot.... and then all these boxes came up saying that it needed updating and stuff so i thought fair enough and when all that was done.... i was using the 'ad-aware 2007 version' but i noticed on the status section the 'automatic update' thingy was off as it had a big red cross on it...so i fiddled with the settings for ages but still 'automatic update' off...>.<...is yours like that too?? whats wrong with mine....my god..i hate this so muchy....it took like forever to fix this...-_-2
^mine just says real time protection: off (left side) and automatic updaten(right side).... well i don't think there's automatic updates anyways cause i have to click "update" manually in order to update. Go to settings and check that you clicked that: