Free Tibet? In your dreams

Discussion in 'Chinese Chat' started by drsnoopy, Mar 20, 2008.


Would you like to free Tibet from China?

  1. No, Tibet is part of China

    66 vote(s)
  2. Yes

    19 vote(s)
  1. 1mAzn

    1mAzn Active Member

    BOMB!!! BOMB THEM!!!! *RAR!!!*!*!*!**! Those Ungrateful son of A Sea TURTLE!!!!!!!!! BOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMB!
  2. RockkxD

    RockkxD Moderator

    Haha, stay neutral and you will be fine. Unless someone attacks you...
  3. Vongy

    Vongy Active Member

    Rest asured, I'm totally not a communist - but I can smell a rat from miles away. Sure, I know that to trust the Chinese Media is like trusting a fat kid to hold your ice cream.

    The reason why some tibetians are upset right now, is because their leader has told them that if you get more world attention to free tibet, then it will happen. This of course is not a direct quote, but that's the jist of it.
  4. dmogg29

    dmogg29 Active Member

    Tough choice but I think it's best for whatever people want.
  5. space_kandie

    space_kandie Active Member

    i'd say part of china....macau, hong kong why not tibet?
  6. Scaly

    Scaly Member

    Because Tibet dont want too?
  7. Dh_135

    Dh_135 Well-Known Member

    Ugh... it's obviously not going to happen. I got pretty pissed when I heard that some Tibetians tried to splash water on the Olympic fire thing.. garrrrr
  8. iLuminous

    iLuminous Member

    i strongly agree that tibet belongs to china. it was part of china, it is, and it forever will be.
  9. Scaly

    Scaly Member

    How long did they have it, I mean if it was part of China to begin with why need to take it back with military force?

    That forever part, Just wait till theres no more profit in having the region anymore.
  10. gloomyme

    gloomyme Member

    I personally do not know anymore, all the influences from western and chinese media.
    I just find it irrelevant for protesters to march around Toronto, I mean Canada can really do much
  11. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Considering that China wasn't even a Republic until 1912, and for 300 years before that, it was conquered and ruled by the foreign Manchu Kings, I don't know how anyone can say that Tibet was ever a part of China. Also, much like how the opium wars led to the signing of treaties that "ceded Hong Kong to Britain for perpetuity" most political scholars agree that the Seventeen Points Agreement stating that Tibet is a part of China (signed in 1951 by Tibet) was ratified under duress.

    But hey, in the future, who knows, China may even become part of Tibet. LOL...

  12. crystalized

    crystalized Member

    There's been a lot of lies on both sides.
    China lied about the soldiers suppressing the rioting in Tibet.
    Pro-Tibetan groups lied about the extent of suppression. A lot of news clippings we saw earlier this year were from Nepal, not Tibet. It was a completely different riot.

    And if anyone followed the Tibet situation BEFORE the news started talking about it in the last 6 months, they'd know that it's not just recently that the Tibetans have become so upset with China. This problem has been a major internal conflict for the last 50 years! It's just the media blowing things out of proportion, especially with the Olympics coming up.

    What pisses me off is not which side lied more but the fact that people are linking this to the Olympics. The Olympics is a WORLD event. Just because it's held in Beijing this year does not make it China's. When politicians start boycotting the Olympics, they are boycotting THEIR athletes!
    [In other words I'm pissed the Canadian PM isn't going to Opening Ceremonies.]

    It's ironic, because part of the big deal of the Olympics is that it's an international event that unifies the entire world (to the extent that it's a competition).
  13. drsnoopy

    drsnoopy Well-Known Member

    ^ here here.
  14. Scaly

    Scaly Member

    Would be so interesting if Italy would start claming land because they once where the great Roman empire with 1/3 of the world?
  15. heh. the poll results surprised me. i guess i shouldnt have expected anything different.

    im not gonna pick some nerves by saying revolting shit in here.
  16. bbes

    bbes Incredible

    well by saying that, u have quite clearly expressed ur view.
  17. -lol

    i guess i have.

    now im never going to show my face in this thread again cuz im gonna get flamed like bbq chikin.
  18. tiffystars

    tiffystars Well-Known Member

    I was at debating society in school today
    and it the topic was "this house believes that Tibet should be an independent state"

    In my point of view, i do think that the Chinese Government have made many mistakes...but i still believe that Tibet should be part of China because it always has been, and i think over the past 50 odd yrs since China communism took over i think that Tibet has developed into a better place...
    Have people even asked everyone in Tibet what they want? Not really.. people have just seen riots and the odd Tibetans protesting about wanting to be free and Chinese people protesting that Tibet has always been part of China... I think we just haven't actually listened to everyone living there and what they all want....

    this sorta made me think differently though....

    anyways to my surprise majority of the debating society in my school (UK grammar school) had voted that Tibet should not be independent but still be ruled by China....
  19. ^ wooo.... now that youve put it that way, this seems like a very informative topic to debate about. ;)

    I'm not going to be taking any sides, I am merely pointing out arguments for BOTH sides. Therefore, my stance is neutral.

    the argument here is that Tibet should remain part of China, because it has been part of China for a long period of time correct?

    Under the precedent that the United-States have gained independence from England during the War of Independence, after a period of time under their reign, why shouldn't Tibet have the same right of independence?

    Moreover, what about Vietnam and China a long time ago? Vietnam fought for independence from China several times.

    These are but a few of many similar cases of independence. So what is the relevance that Tibet has been part of China for a long period of time? A person can simply say "So?". I claim that there is no importance in that fact.

    * * *

    Now my argument is that China wants Tibet to be part of China for reasons not exposed in the media, reasons that fuel every conflict in the world, in history: economy.

    Do not think that I am offending China, because this is something ANY country and nation would do.

    Here's the situation. China is no doubt the most populated country in the world. That implies that in order to sustain its population, China needs resources. Tibet has an abundant amount of untapped resources, which would definitely benefit China's economy, as well as its survival. This is completely natural.

    The same thing can be seen in history. The Crusades are not Holy Wars, they should be called Money Wars. Why is the Vatican so rich? Because during the Crusades soldiers came back with resources and riches from conquered nations.

    The era of Genghis Khan is another prime example. The Mongols were once the richest nation in the world, due to invasion and getting resources.

    The same can be said with Alexander the Great's campaigns, and the Persian campaigns.

    More recently, America invades Iraq under the terms of "War on Terrorism", when in fact, it should have been called "America in desperate need of Oil". Just take a look on tv if you dont believe me. America is under a Gas crisis at the moment, and the economy is going down due to the lack of truck services, which springs from the lack of petrol, which itself is a natural resource.

    With China's ever growing population, it needs the resources to sustain its economy, build its trade, and ensure its survivability. Furthermore, with resources, China will definitely become one of the most powerful nations in the world. But in comes down to one point, it needs resources, and the best place for it to get it is Tibet.

    This is merely a modern version of conquering, just like America is doing. Once Tibet is depleted of its resources, I am fully willing to bet that China will definitely allow Tibet's independence.

    This following point has nothing to do with my previous one, but I felt i need to talk about it. This business of Human Rights issue against Tibetans is utter bullshit to me. Although acts which breaches the human rights have occured in Tibet, no one has stopped to think about Chinese not part of this China-Tibet conflict.

    I have read somewhere that some Chinese kids in UK have been bullied due to the fact that they were Chinese, and were "assumed" to be the antagonist in the China-Tibet conflict. They were abused upon, victims of massive bullying despite their innocence. Now I ask, where is the Human Rights in there?
  20. I am also neutral in this but i believe Tibet has every right to fight for there independance, as long as they have all the qualifications to become an independant country then they could fight for it, but on the other hand china does need the resources from Tibet but also the religion in China would also be changed to the Tibetian religion.... since the ass of the chicken would be a consider chunk of land to be lost, and i believe the home of the dalai lama?