everything has pros & cons, not excluding marriage...but when people get married early, then they wouldn't have to worry about wasting too much money during the relationship part, they can concentrate in putting a family together and working... but living together is another issue plus unless the guy has a place of living already otherwise adding another person in will create problems financially...now that they are engaged, that means nothing...after living together will bring out the true image of both persons...imo engage has no meaning...telling your friends and family he/she is the one...then what happens when a couple seperate...much is wasted in the engage part.
One of them better have some serious family money. You should ask her if they've addressed issues like where to get the money for the wedding, where they will get money to afford a house or apartment, and where they will get the money for daily living. And "loans" or "financing" aren't real answers, 18 year olds have no credit. I'd imagine trying to get a mortgage at 18 years old with no steady job or capital assets would be next to impossible... you might be able to net yourself 50 grand financed over 20 years lol. lol also, I kind of think that the air force doesn't look so kindly on a new recruit bringing his wife to live on barracks... seems pretty jokes all in all. A good thing to ask is also, "where do you see yourselves in 5 years if you get married?" If she has no idea at all you might suggest that she do some actual planning before getting into this. I've been with my girlfriend for about 5 months now and I think that we've definitely got potential to be seriously long term, however I won't consider getting married until I have a few requirements met: 1. I'm atleast 25 years old (gives me 3 and a bit years lol) 2. I'm making atleast 70 thousand dollars per year 3. I can commit to a 10+ year mortgage 4. I have my masters degree and any concurrent designations fully completed The only reason to get married under 25 is because someone has gotten pregnant accidentally. Worst Situation Ever.
i have a lot of friends who doesn't make $70k a year, are married, they ain't pregent either...these friends are top honoured students during high school, much are are in the 95% range in provincial final exams...and near perfect students in universities
lol Those are just my requirements, not universal requirements. Marriage to me is a luxury and until I can afford it, im not making the leap.
Your friend and the bf is living in a dream world and watching a lot romance movies, listening to a lot of romantic songs, and reading a lot of romantic novels. Reality might hit her, and hit her hard. There's nothing you can do but support them if they are that much in love.
I think they are too young to get marry. But on the other hand, older people got married and divorced too. It might work for them, who knows!!!
well some people prefer to get marry at a young age, But they dotn see that is hard to make a living, they are still very young. But we really cant stop them from getting marry becuase its thier own choice, I mean they will have to find out for themselves because they are at a point that they think love is everything. But hey what can we do, we are just bystander, but jsut be there for them, and understand them and support them even ever there is a need.
Silly kids! Why not move in together first and see how it is living with each other before they get married. Without a stable income, higher education and a career set is asking for trouble down the road.
I have friends who know each other at the prom and one year later they annouced me that they're getting married .I was surprised at that time but now they're going well and my cousin is married at 19 i think is ok if they're sure
let them move in together,maybe before they getting married they will break up.when u see each other everyday,totally different thing.juz 18 getting married,still long way to go and see each other day to night. if both parent didnt say anything then as a freind also dont bother so much.
y dun let them move in 1st.maybe will seperate before getting married.18 getting married realy not a good idea.life so long,getting to see each other day and night.will get bored very soon enough. if both parent didnt say anything then as a friend better dont interfere with it.
Tell them its a big mistake wait till like 25 or 26. My friend got married at 18 and now he is in jail cuz his wife told the cops some false info and now the cops are keeping him in until proven innocent which is pretty lame
Age isn't a problem as much of the fact that I don't think they know each other well enough. If he's just gotten out of a relationship and they got together within a year, I think they would need more time. Also, considering how he got to know this girl before he even moved on from his old gf is a bad sign =/ I would stay far, far away from this guy.
didn't even have all those fun stuffs yet and getting married to a cheater too... Is he training in the air force already or it's just in the process and he's not accepted yet. She's going to waste her youth on him and follow him. They should wait a few years first.