
Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by negiqboyz, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    At Neg:

    Sorry Neg, but I have to run with the herd on this one.

    By comparison the 60 year difference of the above, your friend's situation of 15 years is chump change. In the case of Harris vis a vis Hefner, it's pretty obvious what she sees in him. In the case of your "friend" I guess beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and she obviously sees something in him to the point that the 15 years which separates them, his race, his poor employment history, his already established extensive family, whatever, doesn't really matter. IMHO, in this regard, maybe she's your friend, but you certainly don't seem to be her's, insofar as you're clearly not joyful for her in having at least found someone to be happy with. We as humans all have our degrees of need, one of which is to be accepted by others. Obviously, she seems to need being accepted by you much more so than you by her. Perhaps she finally had to let you know (after all these years) that shes been sleeping with a guy who might be viewed as an emotional stand-in for you (the one who had turned her down). Who knows? But at this stage, it really doesn't matter.

    You may not want to hear this, but IMHO, I think you're still pretty much attached at the hip with this, that even as you had rejected her, you seem to have a continued need to keep yourself in a position of emotional power over her; now you're rejecting her choices too and you're letting her know in no uncertain terms. For what it's worth, my 'two cent' advice is to just let the shit go. Her life is hers; she's no longer the high schooler or college co-ed with the crush on you, and you're no longer the BMOC. Move on with your own life; it seems she already has with hers; don't begrudge her for it by stoking the nostalgia to stroke your own ego.

    Or... on the other hand, maybe you can give in to it. Dump your wife; go over and bang the shit out of her, which is what I think you had secretly really wanted to do all these years if not for your own apparent interracial hang up, LOL... Frankly, anti-miscegenation views was something that I never would have imagined that you would be a party to.
    #21 ralphrepo, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2013