"Friendly Fire" Offends Mainland Netizens

Discussion in 'Chinese Entertainment' started by b-lee, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. Espresso

    Espresso Well-Known Member

    hello, communist china w/ communist station. it's evident there would be political implications involved in theatrics. sheesh.
  2. cailini

    cailini Well-Known Member

    Meh, I feel like it'd be nicer if I was just like, "hahaha, that's funny! you tell them like it is, TVB" without thinking about the destructive implications of such media representation (or missrepresentation) on peoples lives, how such media messages can help create a world where destructive missrepresentations are accepted as true.

    I mean thinking too much in the sense that it makes my perception of the world less glowy and kind. Picking things apart just makes everything messy. Instead, I should be like whatever and make my life easier.
  3. callam

    callam Active Member

    I always thought it was ridiculous how mainlanders were being portrayed in movies and tv, growing up I used to watch Stephen Chow movies and thought it was hilarious how ghetto people from China are made out to be, because it would be unthinkable for anyone to act like that. Then.... I went to China, holy shit people were taking dumps in the street, the hotel front desk called up to my room offering me underage hookers lol... it wasn't a cheap motel or anything either, people trying rip me off left and right. When I see people like this I feel embarassed to be chinese, I feel like I'm being misrepresented and I hope other races dont group me together with these losers
  4. setshiro

    setshiro Well-Known Member

    They pegged you as a diddler did they? LOL....anything to get money I guess...I'll be going to China October 2013 and I'm pretty sure my drinking will get me arrested......or sold.
  5. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    Yeah, well, just don't wake up in some flea bag with one of your kidneys missing, LOL...

    The problem here is that a lot of the things that TVB highlighted are, in fact, very true. Of course, this doesn't reflect all of China or mainlanders, but just a very narrow slice of life. Thus IMHO, mainlanders have to be really careful about how they complain; they cannot say that it isn't true, because it is. The can however, state that there's a lot more to the north than just these extremist examples. Callam is also right; there remains lots of things apparent from the dark side across the border, available for anyone who cares to look.
  6. naruto02

    naruto02 Well-Known Member

    yea it's a really funny series. i'm pretty sure it happens in real life too no how much they want to deny it. the truth hurts like the other person said. people criticize others well, but can't take criticism themselves.