y r they using the japanese version and not jacky's canto version...original or not, jacky's version is better....
^she's a milf? didnt kno she got a baby, i knew she was married tho....... but anyways, i hated tavia's character and i like GRace's character.... Tavia is so confuse.........and grace knos wat she wanted and she's a good girl (read the ending spoiler somewhere..hated the ending)... i'm more for the romance of michael and grace.... Tavia's chracter just pisses me off.....
tavia is the typical "woman in doubt". obviously, she cares a lot about michael tse, but yet she plays "hard to come back together". it pisses everyone off who watches the show. oh and also, no, alice chan doesn't have a child, but she's quite old already, yet she's sexy as hell, so she gets a MILF status