False. Didn't even play the first one The next person thinks Raymond Lam + Ah Sa looks great together in photoshoots & sounds great in duets!
True! I like Ah Sa better than Linda Chung. The next person thinks Ella Koon is the hottest TVB actress.
Omg. True. ♥ ♥ She's one of my #1's. Yes, i have more than one #1's. She needs to have more TVB roles!! I'm dying to see her in another drama after Survivor Law. The next person is running out of questions to ask. ^ Dew. Someone posted before me. Just few seconds late.. False. "The next person is running out of questions to ask.".
you failed cause it was true that you didn't say true so you should have said true but... if you said true.... then my "prediction" would have been false so you were suppose to say false....... PARADOX! Back to OT: False, live at home! The next person loves cookies!
False. Never seen it The next person rather plays Pro Evolution Soccer than Fifa on playstation systems! -unsure Confused me even more. LOL
TRUE! False next person wears t-shirts and shorts during winter and long sleeve pants + shirt in the summer xD
Kinda True? Kinda feel like Hanson from 'Growing Through Life' . The next person's birthday is in first half of the year