this dish was created in america, so most ppl outside of the country might never heard of it. so it's one of many chinese food created to please american taste.
I've never heard of it.. but it sounds pretty good.... ^just did i quick google search.. it DOES look pretty good-blush2
basically...pour the coffee into a pan, add some sugar/honey/anything sweet to balance the bitterness, cook it, simmer it, add some corn starch if needed, yeah. Just make it sticky. i hope it works... xDD
yea there is no real general tao that they named it after it's american chinese food basically americanized chinese food to please the white folks it's alright, nothing special though
This dish is totally depend on the quality of the sauce served with it. Too thin and runny - no good. Too sweet and thick - better. But a reasonably thick sauce that isn't too sweet will make the dish a great tasting experience!! Unfortunately, in the U.S. less than 10% of Chinese restaurants seem capable of doing it right, in my opinion anyway...