Getting bad marks on an assignment you worked really hard on

Discussion in 'The Rant Section' started by ha_jennie, May 4, 2009.

  1. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    im totally opposite.. im lazy but then i do absord infor to me pretty quickly if i really work hard but exams are a no no for me i only do good in courseworks lol
  2. from experience, when your lazy with your work it usually means its something you dont really like or something your just 'making do' with... something to ponder. If it was something you really enjoyed you would certainly have the enthusiasm i reckon
  3. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    yes well i dont really want to go to uni but im doing it for a job lol
    esaier ish to get a job if you get what i mean.. a degree is a degree :p
  4. yup true true, what sux though is the cost of a higher paying job, the cost is usually long hours, its such a compromise.
  5. intraland

    intraland Well-Known Member

    and if you're lazy with everything?... does that mean you just don't like everything?

    I only seem to "work hard" at work, only because I like the $$ offered. but I don't actually enjoy the job I'm doing right now, sad to say.
  6. it means your plain old lazy which aint good

    hope you find something you enjoy eventually.
  7. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    well i don;'t mind long hours as per say because i'm pretty much money motivated :p

    well that's why when people go to college they get a grant EMA and get paid £30 quid a week just to go into every lessons.. that's why people go in.. just like work, id rather work than go to uni coz i don;t get paid to go into uni apart from getting myself into a lot of debt lol

  8. if your money motivated then youll have no probs :), im more (future) family orientated so i worry about having to work long hours and be away from the fam all the time.
  9. intraland

    intraland Well-Known Member

    exactly my point :laugh: Though you say money motivation is alright? hmm...

    serious? I've never heard of this. Must be only in UK -huh

    Interesting concept though, I must admit.
  10. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    well im planning to be the money bringer of the family and the husband t be the house husband looool and he can wish to have a part time job as he wishes but i like to work hahaa
  11. ^ yup EMA, that was good stuff, had a little ££ in my pocket

    your gona be my sugar mommy? i dont mind being at home with the HD TV and M$360 :)
  12. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    I don't really care about word limits anymore...usually I go over it and cbb to go back and edt it LOL
  13. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    i was too lazy to even apply EMA.. i should have tho >.< but then i wouldnt have got any coz i missed college ALOT! altho i passed? i was shocked hahahaaaa

    yes i will be sugar mommy lol.. its good to work rather than staying at home bored and im crap at looking after kids anyways.. :xd:

  14. good, its sorted then :p

    dude thats old news now, keep with the convo :p
    #34 master_g, May 4, 2009
    Last edited: May 4, 2009
  15. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

  16. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    i didnt know that. but you live and learn. frustrating if you spent hours and a lot of effort on an assignment you had so much enthusiasm for, only for them to mark it down >.<
  17. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    More frustrating is someone who did it in the last minute scored more than you LOL
  18. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    yeah lol. or when you revised so much in comparison to someone who didnt and they end up getting more marks than you. haha ~
  19. Flames

    Flames Out of Date User

    But still these stuff happens a lot in multiple choices, random guess of luck LOL
  20. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    ^not necessarily...there are several reasons why the person ends up getting more marks
    1)the person is a genius
    2)the person may have cheated
    3)the person may have studied hard at home while being a Playful person at school(argg,i hate these persons)