Girl i like has a bf, what to do?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by PsychoAssasin, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. thanatosxvi

    thanatosxvi Active Member

    i say if its worth it go 4 it
  2. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    Btw.. I was just thinking.. if you are even considering moving on now, then you probably dun really like her that much after all. Move on will be a good choice then.
  3. laziboi

    laziboi Well-Known Member

    ill say be friends with her and wait. knowing that their relationship wont last long since you noticed that shes interested in you during the time she has a bf. shes not a serious type of girl but dont know if its worth having a gf like that.
  4. qoo2828

    qoo2828 Well-Known Member

    interested..... define interested.. in a friend... bro... or bf....
  5. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    Now.. just offering a different perspective. Going for it may not necessarily mean going inbetween. You dun even have to consider the bf in the first place. What's important is between you and the girl. Is there even anything to start with?

    Honestly, its better to treat them breaking up and you getting together as separate issues. I really believe that for one relationship to begin, one must have already ended. And when I refer to relationship.. it is the intangible im refering to.. not the tangible aspects that ppl use to 'define' bf/gf such as holding hands.
  6. qoo2828

    qoo2828 Well-Known Member

    i totally agree

    thts y i said before.. not considered STEALING
  7. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    guess u gotta b extra special and nice to see a diff pic =P
    i didn't even get to see the edited pic ><

    damn printer... had to drive to friends place to print stuff and i miss out on soooo much =/
  8. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    haha.. but bare in mind Im not asking him to go for it, neither am I suggesting a wait or move on.. its an opinion that can't be made with such limited and one sided info.. lolz

    The pic was removed? haha.. it totally offended angie.. and I guess you missed all the its over now
  9. reno

    reno Well-Known Member

    i assume pic was removed... by the time i saw it wasn't even of her so.... =/
    yeah those guys so slack on picking on her, considering that shes nice
  10. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    hmm.. she jus changed her avatar.. but she wasn't the one who edited it in the first place..
  11. laziboi

    laziboi Well-Known Member

    if your referring to me, ill have to say that i didnt pick on her. i didnt even realise it was her at the start. yes shes a nice cute girl.
  12. ms irene yu

    ms irene yu Member

    don't know if you're still looking for comments but i'll throw in my fair share of advice...

    yeah, u'd look like an "ass" if u break them up but hey, the girl never tried to push u away or tell u to back off did she? if i had a bf & some guy tried to break us up, i'd tell him to back off... unless she's the player type herself.. [thats a whole diff. story] SO i say wait it out & continue to be friends.. cause what if u 2 did hook up but things didnt work out?
  13. C0kaCoLa

    C0kaCoLa Well-Known Member

    If you guys are asking him to go for it, then maybe its because he's posting the thread up in PA.. Imagine if another guy(the girl's bf) posted on PA forum asking for help saying that his gf is being woo by another guy what advice would you give???im sure an ooposite comment is up..
  14. i dont know how you guys managed to pull out 5 pages overnight.... now im gonna reply to one 5 pages ago lol

    wellll.. some people are such asses they wont feel any guilt -rolleyes
  15. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ Just because you wasn't here last night to contribute to the 5 pages :p

    And some people live to steal, and breaks everyone's heart.
  16. xiaojia

    xiaojia Well-Known Member

    ^ haha.. you sound like you are speaking from a victim's point of view.. jking
  17. ^ she is.. she wasnt here during the 5 pages... :O?

    oh nvm.. you were talking about the theft thing... NVMMMMMMMM
  18. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    Meh, on the other hand there are those who live to be vicitimized :p Looking at how many girls like jerks, you'll see.

    @Dann> Yes, I totally missed out the fun!!! Let's start a thread and get it to 5th page in an hour! JKS
  19. ^ we're already doing that in the bloop lol
  20. hiake

    hiake Vardøgr of da E.Twin

    ^ True. But I guess this thread, with little variation in opinion (most of them think he should "be friends" with the girl and breaking the girl from her bf will have him end up in the hospital or something) I am amazed that it got to page 7 AT ALL.

    BTW, that's a summary of this thread I just had, there.