sorry i apologise..i know it can happen but still no suggesting to 'tony' on how to make a miscarridge happen....
well sorry lor, our bad....should of just said a friend of mine got pregnant... in that case, 1) does the father of the baby know? and how old is he? 2) do the parents know? if not, then they should know 3) what is your friend's thought on her situation? does she wana keep the child or abort?
btw, if she didnt wana get pregnant, why didnt she take the 'morning after pill' to ensure it wouldnt happen?
lol come on guys.. did yall really think he had a gf?? man.. tell her to abort.. that shit will ruin her life! Just think.. 17 not even out of high school.. she doesn't have money to support a baby.. got a whole future ahead of her. Just hope she doesn't make anymore mistakes..
This girl friend just confides in me a lot. I guess she looks up to me as someone to go to for advice. How many of you would abort at 16 or 17? I don't even know who knocked her up. I did not ask if he was old enough. Judging by the people she hangs out with at the karaoke bar, I'm sure this guy is probably over 18.
^and this was just one of your homegirls/normal friends? I don't really know whats better, aborting or giving up for adoption. Either way its going to turn out bad imo.
The age of sexual consent in New York State is 17. If all the sexual acts in question occurred within NY state, then no statutory rape laws applies because no statutes were violated. However, if the girl was 16 at the time of the sex act that impregnated her (which makes it easy to prove because of gestational age and DNA), then it still may be possible. On the other hand, most judges treat such cases with a degree of discretion; if both partners are within a very narrow age grouping, but was technically wrong per statutes (eg a 16 & 18 year old) then most jurists would decline to imprison a youth simply for engaging in consensual sex. However, if there was clear evidence that the nature of the relationship was one that was socially unequal (eg, one is 16 and the other 35) then these rape despite consent because of age statutes would definitely apply. Pragmatically speaking, being pregnant at 17 in can be one of the most crippling things in a woman's life. At that stage she is ready to take on the world, but instead now has to focus on raising a child when she is least prepared. Outside of religious considerations (which can be substantial) and knowing nothing else of the people involved, I reluctantly vote for termination of pregnancy.
I swear, why bother asking this question anymore? your going to get 2 answers that you're going hear every time you ask this question. I all up to her and she has to live with that decision. That what you these teenage kids get when they don't think about the consequences.
oh its a girl FRIEND........ how long she's pregnant for? parents know it? (prolly not yet since she's asking ur opinion??) she cant do this alone, she's not a poor girl but a stupid not matured girl. So she gets abortion this time, safe, what about getting knocked up again b/c she just love this guy so much n trust him.....abortion again? So is abortion a great getaway from responsibility and stupidity? maybe she should decide base on her financial status.... if ure not damn mature and ready enough, use a frigging condom and take pills, simple steps to prevent troublesome regrets, its just that EASY! true that
lol the other day i was reading my facebook news feed, and this 17 year old girl on my contacts list posted the following message: "the show '16 and pregnant' makes me want to have a baby" im like kids are fucking stupid. our society is getting more fucked up by the day, and that's due to society itself. i actually would like to have lived in the days without information technology and without media. yes it'll be boring as fuck, but it's better than seeing stupid kids on the streets, and parents who can't teach their kids for shit.
Thanks for clearing things up. Man I like Ralphs posts, very informative! Sooner or later, the parent will find out (as the time pasts, the stomach will start to buldge out since the baby is developing and evolving)