If she is coming back, tell her to at least bring back some poutine, eat her poutine, and then never see her again. But if she comes back clean, then lucky you.
Google imaged it after seeing that, thats why I was hungry again....Canada is in my go to list now LOL
I'm sorry to hear that you've found yourself in this situation :c I'm hoping for the best for you and her safety. If she is naiive, I hope she's at least cautious enough to stay safe. I have a question though.. How old is this guy to be on his death bed? I know you're not much younger than me, and your girlfriend can't be much younger or older than you... On another note, poutine has been on my list for years! I feel like I'll never get to have any :c
Don't worry, when I finally get some, I'll eat it and show you a photo of it been eaten Buy you one and eat your share too
i haven't been on pa for a long long time..dun think any of u remember me since i dun post much lol..so many name changes! i dont know who is who! anyway.. I'm sorry to hear you had to be caught in such an ordeal. Now that she is in TO, i'm interested to know if you've been able to get a hold of her. Has she been keeping you posted on things? How is she managing with $180. Most importantly is she safe? U mentioned earlier in your post that you believe this other guy really is dying and it is just a matter of time. What makes you think the story is true? If it really is true, if he really is this terminally ill, than I don't think you need to worry about anything really going on btw the 2 of them..he would be too weak/sick to make a move. But it is obvious that this guy is very important to your gf for her to fly there against all odds. If you know about him, and have been there when they chatted etc...then i think u should have an idea of the kind of relationship she has with him. You either trust her or you don't. It could be she is a very nice person... or naive... i don't know her to judge. but if she really is a caring person..this is what i think she is thinking: it sounds to me like she chose to fly there bc she is afraid if she doesn't do it now..she will never get to do it..and the promise she made to him would be broken and she would regret it for the rest of her life. If she is a responsible gf..she would be in touch with you everyday and let you know how things are going.... If she hasn't been doing that..or if you are having trouble getting a hold of her..than i would expect more bad news to come. Keep us posted!
hahaha......theres only a few places in TO that has good poutine. Gotta know the right places, else youll never have it again.... Quebec invented it, but///crap they all so fat there.... Back to the subject.....yeah dude, youll never know if she comes back clean or not. Post a picture of her, I'm sure Shino and kdot will stalk her for ya.....be your "Watchdogs"
The ones are Ski Resorts are not bad lol. Pretty big plate for an overprice place to be eating a poutine. & yes, i'm sure many of us would like an update if you dont mind