Girls, does appearance matter?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by lancerWRX2003, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. Kaitou_Kid

    Kaitou_Kid Well-Known Member

    if we said it didn't matter, thats half a lie already. the outside is usually what first catches your attention, then its the inside. i use to have a bf that had a lot of pimples on his face, honestly i did not want to touch his face.
  2. minivancan

    minivancan Well-Known Member

    ahaha i would actually personally say its what the inside matters the most i mean im not that good lookin at all lol and i manage to get a gf xD and while i was talkin to my gf before we went out and all i never really thought about how she looks or if she got a booty xD i just talked to her cause it was fun and i liked to talk to her for who she is lol tho there is alot of gold diggers out there >.>
  3. 小Yu咒

    小Yu咒 ♪♪♫很可愛~♥

    lol minivan, u sounded like ur a goldmine..haha

    but ontopic: i dont think it matters..but however...:shifty:
    if its bout the first impression ---> too eventually catch a girl eyes <---- well then i think you need too polish n dress urself up ^^
    but after that..nah..its whats inside you that is/makes YOU worthy for it....or NOT o,O

    a tip: dont get too sloppy after you got her/him ^^
  4. minivancan

    minivancan Well-Known Member

    ahaha nah not a goldmine just went broke recently >.> and it wasnt because of my gf tho i wish it would have been lol
    eh i just told my gf straight up before i even asked her out i said by the time im done ill get u fallin for me and i did lol i was pretty cheesy when i found out :D but hey i kept my word lol
  5. gorillaz_113

    gorillaz_113 Active Member

    it depend on ur partner.....but ppl like pretty thing.
  6. asn_girl89

    asn_girl89 Member

    It's the outside yu see first and get judged by that. But eventually it all comes more to the inside.
    Whats the use of a nice outside when the inside is crappy?
    It's beauty which catches your attention, but it's personality which steals your heart...
  7. mingming2006

    mingming2006 Well-Known Member

    appearances matter, but yea - the personality is most important
  8. Kaitou_Kid

    Kaitou_Kid Well-Known Member

    this is a yes and a no question. Say you were the best looking person on the inside but you looked like a hobo on the outside...I don't think many people would be attracted to you. If you look decent and have a great heart, know how to flirt, you're beautiful already ;)
  9. Phoenix

    Phoenix *~Though she be but little, she is fierce~*

    girls tend to say...nah appearance doesnt matter...its the inside blah blah...
    but thats a lie....girls do look out for appearance aswel...

    but in general girls are looking for a good provider, whilst guys look for a good mate who will give them healthy babies...thats why guys = looks, girls = both but more on the personality bits...

    i got all this from my psych class...=p
  10. joecool

    joecool Member

  11. Shini_D

    Shini_D Well-Known Member

    hmm....well......ok here's my way to put things...

    At a young age, probably up until you turn 21 odd so, or maybe mid 20s, you are just dating and having fun, and naturally looks will be IMPORTANT!
    After all, society made us very vain and concienscious (sp) people [do not lie and say you are not, because everyone cares about what others think of them to some sort of extent], and with that comes the part about who you are with...

    If your partner is ugly or not very attractive, it would reflect on you in some way... kind of think of your partner is a pretty accessory, if it's good, it will compliment you well, after all, people who can afford to walk around carrying LV and Gucci head to toe ect are envied and given the green eyed monster a lot, that's the same with who you date sort of.

    As you get older however, the factors of your future come into play, and you begin to think about the more important stuff, as people have already mentioned, finances, support, children, family, home, food, etc... that's when people begin to find true beauty lies within, ad its not so much based on the outside, though if kept well, it may be able to show that you are capable of taking care of yourself therefore possibly financially stable, keep themselves good at home and fed well, etc...

    I AM NOT saying that personality isn't important during early ages, but come a teen have you ever thought "hmm......his/her personality could be spectacular, let's go talk to him/her!"
    Honestly people, you all know it yourself, you would pick the hot chick at the bar instead of the average looking one next to the hot chick. <---sorry that line was more referred to the guys than females really...but same thing for females on the same wavelength!

    So to summarise.....Looks VERY important...personality is ALSO important...but after a period of time together would personality over rule looks...but at the beginning, the looks is the most important thing.

  12. i.kry

    i.kry Member

    To me, the most important thing about their appearance is that they are presentable. First impressions are important. Your impression of them may change later... but that's later.

    If a really attractive guy wears hobo clothes and never does his hair or cut his nails, you would hardly find him attractive. Going out with him and standing next to him would be embarrassing.

    However, if this attractive person, or even a plainer person were to be well groomed then they've earned themselves some brownie points.
  13. an0nymous

    an0nymous Well-Known Member

    what i know from girls i know. u have to be at least OK looking before girls would even try to know you. if your butt ugly girls wont even bother to get to know you.
  14. darkfire531

    darkfire531 Member

    lol no matter how much ppl deny it, looks DO matter xDD buh everyone has different tastes so yea
  15. michelle chau

    michelle chau Member

    lol appearance does matter i use to think it doesn't matter but i learn now it does some people say it doesn't its like me asking
    you a question like this: "if this not so fit guy asked you out he has a great personality you both enjoy doing the same thing
    what would you answer" well most girls would say no right away aren't i right cause they are sacred to be seen with them
    like first time i met my boyfriend i thought he was gay 0.o but than i got to know him and i can tell he liked me so e gave it a try
    and now it doesn't really matter he's a great guy and we enjoy being with each other so i say get to know them first than judge them
  16. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    well actually, appearance does matter, because you could be spending ur life with them, lol , even tho the inside is important, its ...... if the appearance is like ugh, then u'll prob pass
  17. lovinglyxx

    lovinglyxx Well-Known Member

    of course appearance matters, to an extent.

    you gota be attracted to someone initially i think
  18. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    lol, and besides First Impression Counts, lol i mean, who would u take notice of more, a ugly guy or a Leng Jai? lol
  19. Natsu

    Natsu Well-Known Member

    appearance does count, at first glance. for both boys and girls especially at teenagers, young adults age group. inner beauty is only considered when you know someone for some time and see beyond the outside beauty.
  20. Zenom

    Zenom Active Member

    My opinion

    The reason why some people are saying looks do not matter as much when you get older is because logically lets say both the guy and girl are in their mid 30s.
    At that point in time you are both beginning to realize your time is running out and your looks are fading fast.
    This urge to pair up is particular strong for females because at this stage of your life your girl friends are beginning to get married and your still single... so that pressure begins to build up (this is not just on a social family type of level but also on a biological level).
    Sub-consciously on a basic primal level your biologically clock is screaming times up bred now contribute to the gene pool! If you don't believe me ask the nearest old lady in your house they'll tell you they went through the same phase.
    It is at this particular point in time that a woman's standard i.e. requirements in the guy begin to relax quite substantially. Of course you still want to get a guy that is as good looking as you can get but as you get older you'll start to realize well your never gonna be able to compete with the young 24 girl down the street so you get what you can get (Sorry but I'm to lazy to phrase it gracefully)

    From the guy's perspective he's currently in his 30s approaching the 40 mark. If he has managed to build a good career (i.e. corporate management, banking etc) he might still be a bit of player because he knows his wealth and assets compensate for his looks. Plus guys that look after themselves well i.e. keep fit, healthy skin can age really gracefully e.g. Andy Lau at least compared to our female counterparts. It is because of this type of thinking that you often see old guys pairing up with younger women (often called gold diggers by these guys).
    While for the rest of male population that aren't super rich you also start to relax your standards slightly, the degree at which you relax your physical requirements depending on what else you think you can bring to the marriage.

    Basically, I'm arguing there isn't really that big of a difference between the young adults and the wrinklies. We are all after looks, because on a primal level it indicates a strong, healthy partner with good genes. People only relax standards to account for what 'grade' of looks they can get. The response a good 'personality' is actually quite misleading btw because you'll find most people are actually attracted to quite a diverse range of personalities and people can tend to well 'adjust' to another's personalities. I guarantee when you marry you'll find aspects of your partner's personality that absolute make you go bonkers, but the most successful marriages tend to be the ones where the partner grows to tolerate the annoying traits.
    #100 Zenom, Jul 30, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2008