well it depends. i mean when it comes down to the decision making, of course it's the inside that count the most but appearance play a lil part in it.
appearance will always pay a part.. most girls probably wouldn't even look at u let alone give u a chance if ur ugly. i guess i got no chance with that cute girl from uni i guess.. lol
This is all bs, of course looks matter...unless he/she is extremely weathy then looks become less important for some reason...LOL. People are lying if they say otherwise.
I agree, appearance is nothing now. I see ugly girlds with handsome boyfriends. And ugly guys with hot girlfriends. It doesnt matter now, I've been to that situation. I lost my gf to a really hideous guy. I surrender!!!
unfortunately it's true. lots of people will say that "it's the inside that counts", but really the outer appearance matters, too. -unsure
i know this is like bs to some people but i think that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"...not all girls think guy "x" is hot. some may think he is ugly. everyone has a different opinion on what different guys look like. Everyone has a different taste in guys. So juss because you may think your ugly another girl may think ur hott.
I agree everyone has different interpretation of "beauty" but the question is "does appearance matter?" and the answer is YES!!! You need to be attracted to your partner if a relationship is to succeed.
appearance is as important as the inside is. let's say... you're a girl... the boy next to you should be "ok" looking. i mean... at least he can wear clothes that are not ugly... doesnt mean he has to be pretty or something like that... just hair, clothes, smile etc make him look nicer. but yeahhh... the inside is important ofcourse.... i hate arrogant types!!!
I think appearance matters to a certain extent, because I know no one can be totally perfect. As long as he's average and has the personality and qualities that I'm looking for, I don't mind too much.
Yea... i mean, even when you first meet someone you look at their appearance which contributes a part to how how much you like him. then mayb after you might find he was an idiot or really shallow etc, but then its always the personality that extends any attraction and make someone look better...
In my perspective, I think a guy having a good sense of fashion and being confident are the two biggest turn on to a girl. You don't have to be really good looking. You could be decent looking and still get the girl.
This thread cracks me up! All u tenny poppers make me LOL. Dude, Looks is what attracts people when they see each other for the first time. Society is all too vain and is all about looks. Sorry, to say this if u ugly u wont be able to find a hot girl unless u are rich. People with the same level of looks attract. example : Hot people date hot people, fat pople date fat people. nerds date nerds. Models date models. LIFE is a bitch ya. People buy nice cars to showoff cause they want to look kool. Same with buying R&R , true religion , 7manking jeans, so they can look kool and look rich. ALL front , but hey they look nice. ROFL Sometimes i wonder y am i so hot that so many girls are attracted to me, ROFL. I think some girls find my hotness too much that they lose sense of security that one day i will find a hotter girl than they are. SO SAD, but true. For all the hot people =) I doubt that u are ugly , bro. Everyone got their own features. 1st start by dressing up and look good cause that will give u confidence and then the hot girls be like wow he can dress. Guys u gotta understand,u like how girls dress nice, so do the same. Please, no baggy jeans and ghetto fabalous here now. U asian , so be asian . Alright im gonna go to sleep. NEED my beauty rest . Peace. I hope i see some hot asian girls in T_DOt this week. I was pretty dissappointed in NOV .....
Of course appearance matters coz of first impressions... this modern society is shallow i'm not saying to look good all the time but when it matters you should funny how the people just pounce on the very good looking but yet a nasty personality person, buti guess looks doesn't matter much after a while that you nkow the person coz you go for the personality rather than looks but then some people are just pure shallow to the end and it's sooo easily to spot them
well, i think if the girl is hot...then of course appearance matters...but if the girl is not pretty herself...i think they will look for wat's inside...but i'm sure no girl look for ugly guys as their criteria....so the ugly guy have to make the move and show the girl wat they got inside