Girls, does appearance matter?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by lancerWRX2003, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. dragon3003

    dragon3003 Member

    No matter how nice of a person you are, the first thing people judge on is your appearance. It is a vital that you have a good personality but that is all later in the relationship. For speed dating and all those one appearance events, dress up nice. If you are already a friend of the person you like, charm them with your personalty.
  2. jenkintsui

    jenkintsui Member

    Honestly, it matters, both inside and outside matters
  3. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    LOL are you ugly?

    No amount of personality can project true beauty if true beauty is shielded by 200 pounds of fat or a dropped pie face. True story.
  4. lala_bel_tempo

    lala_bel_tempo Well-Known Member

    this is a very mature comment:

    When you are in the adult phase, it is mainly about the inner beauty rather
    then the outside.


    Love doesn't have to do with looks, but rather to do with time, interest, and trust.
  5. panda888

    panda888 Member

    appearance of course matters but to an extent. personally, i think that as long as i think a guy is good looking, then its ok even if my friends do not agree with me. he's my boyfriend so i should be comfortable with his appearance. but like i said, appearance matters to an extent cus personalities and chemistry also matters. if a guy is good looking but does not have chemistry with me, then what's the point of us dating? i think a guy needs to have an appearance that i'm comfortable with and have chemistry with me in order to be my boyfriend.
  6. xdly

    xdly Well-Known Member

    appearance is the same as outer beauty? appearance is the way you "show" yourself... you can be really ugly, but at the same time have a good appearance... sooo...

    yes appearance is important, it's the first thing and impression you get from the boy, so ofcourse it does have an influence.

    no it doesn't matter if you look ugly, since some people accept that (when the boy is i.e. on the same level etc) and others not...
  7. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    i totally agree with you...
  8. good looking and good personality is win you dont have to settle for less =p

    j/j it's in the eye of the beholder
  9. dom88_rx7

    dom88_rx7 Well-Known Member

    appearance is very important since ppl judge from outside then only start to explore n understand inside. like when u r eating a pau, u will onli start to touch n eat it when the appearance of it seems good. however not neccesary the appearance is good, the paste inside could taste faulty. sometimes the pau look disgusting at the 1st appearance, but the paste inside could b tasty. appearance reli does matter cos it's reli hard to judge someone's inside thru our eyes...
  10. will4eva7k

    will4eva7k Well-Known Member

    inner beauty is most important
    physical beauty is also important

    those who have both are the ones you dont want to walk away from
  11. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    lol when do you ever agree with me?

    No matter how much some people might wish it were otherwise, physical beauty and personality are two entirely separate concepts, and no logic can bring them together as codependent or co-influential concepts. In other words, the greatest personality in the world isn't going to make a physically ugly person any less physically ugly. That person might be the most likable and charming physically ugly person in the world, but he/she will STILL be physically ugly (although the personality might offset the overall disadvantage).

    Case in point, most girls will not hang out with an obese, pizza-faced guy they meet at McDonalds long enough to learn how beautiful his personality is.
  12. xmichelly

    xmichelly Well-Known Member

    yeah i must agree with casshern here .. i'm not saying that i wouldn't hang out with people that i don't find attractive. but honestly if i met someone unattractive on the street, and he asked me out, i wouldn't go out with him because i think i am going to discover a wonderful personality
  13. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    When did I say you were??

    Truth is, a MAJORITY of the human population feel the same way. We live in a superficial world. Sad, but true.
  14. [mJ9]

    [mJ9] Well-Known Member

    lol,i agree but if you become his friend,anything can happen
  15. brianyu

    brianyu Well-Known Member

    if you have money , for sure you are good looking then a poor guys. imagine the same guys sit in a Ferrari and a civic .... guess what he have a lot of chance in the Ferrari :naughty:
  16. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    Okay. Either you live a very sheltered life ignorant to your surroundings, or you're just arguing for the sake of arguing.

    You're telling me that, in general, people don't judge others by their outer appearances before getting to know them? News flash... They do. Outer looks is the first thing people see when they initially meet you. It's, therefore, the most conveniently available feature for them to use to make assessments about you. Don't tell me you've never made an assessment about someone based on their looks before (i.e. status, personality etc).

    Humans are visually perceptual creatures. It doesn't matter if you graduated from an Ivy League and get 100 degrees in your field. If you're a fat, bald guy that wears black makeup and have no eyebrows, no smart business person would agree to hire you. You better make yourself look presentable if you want to be accepted. Welcome to the real world.
  17. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the SHALLOW world judged by appearances
  18. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    aka The Real World.
  19. bbgirlsum

    bbgirlsum Well-Known Member

    Too some people the real world is LaLa land tho...
  20. madlyinlove

    madlyinlove Active Member

    yes it does but only to a certain extent. you have to make yourself presentable if you want to approach someone or be approached. it's common sense, no?