Girls, does appearance matter?

Discussion in 'Love and Relationships' started by lancerWRX2003, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. lollish

    lollish Well-Known Member

    Yes, because a person's appearance can reveal a lot about their personality. Rugged clothes, messy hair, dirty fingernails are a good indication of laziness and bad hygiene. What kind of girl would want to date a guy like that? You don't have to look like Brad Pitt, but if you're going to step outside the house, at least make an effort not to look like a hobo.
  2. nowandagain

    nowandagain Active Member


    impressions do count but not by much!
  3. dom88_rx7

    dom88_rx7 Well-Known Member

    impression counts very much. if u hv body odour,bad breath n other negative behaviour, would u ever b near to him/her without knowing him/her?
  4. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    ugly........the definition is different by everyone.
    but 1st impression does count
    however, personality will count the most later on
  5. Ritsuten

    Ritsuten Member

    the same question can be directed at guys.. it really depends on the person thats answering the question.. some girls dont care if the guy is wealthy or goodlooking or not at all.. as long as at the right time the guy comes into the girls life and sparks up some chemistry then she could easily fall for the guy even if he aint bad looking and aint wealthy..
  6. tsemysery

    tsemysery Member

    What matters is always on the inside--- but in reality, looks count in some way. But I think personality matters the most!
  7. dom88_rx7

    dom88_rx7 Well-Known Member

    when relationship is strong, appearance is no more a big deal
  8. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    You're straying away from the topic. This isn't about me. It's about a guy asking whether or not appearance matters to girls. And while it may not matter to SOME, such as yourself, my argument was that it matters to most and most girls on PA seem to agree with me. Other than making personal attacks at me, you've done nothing to refute my argument, lonely.
  9. here's a question, do you think the media has any influence on you? such as the way you dress or do you simply dress the way you want to? Ladies, you don't spend all that time putting on makeup just to impress yourselves :shifty:
  10. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥




    you wish!! :nuts:

    The question is whether or not appearance matters. Very simple. I don't see why you are talking about so much stuff.
    Think of it this way: You walk into a cafe. All tables are taken but there are two tables which have open seats and the people who are already sitting at the tables are willing to share a table with you.
    At table number one, this guy is sitting there: [​IMG]
    At table number two, this guy is sitting there: [​IMG]
    Which table would you choose? You must choose one, don't give me excuses like you wouldn't stay at the cafe or whatever. lol
  11. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    man, the guy on table 2 looks friendly, lol 仔仔 looks pretty cold , so he most likely wont talk to you , but the guy on table 2 would intrduce himself and stuff, lol and that he looks like a more friendly open kinda guy who is easy to 相處 with people,
  12. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    maybe I should have mentioned it was meant to be more of a starbucks type of a place... you have to order and get your order. you don't get served. And not the whole studying thing. Just there to get a drink. lol I need a real answer from youuu~
  13. lala_bel_tempo

    lala_bel_tempo Well-Known Member

    when you are older and mature, i would think apperance doesn;'t matter as much as you think it would. Rather trust and interest may be the two key aspects.

    e.g. a really good looking guy/girl is your parthner and they tend to decieve you alot and do not share much of the same interest

    a decent looking guy/girl is your pathner and they tust you alot and you both share the same interest

    which do you prefer?
  14. KT

    KT H E L L O K T ♥

    lol, ok I am trying to get you to answer me. you can not answer me but I'm sure if that was to happen you'd probably choose the guy who looks like Vic... if not you could have at least said you'd sit at the table that was closest or something.
  15. Phil

    Phil 香港 PA 社團 揸Fap 人

    LOL when ur old ? even all the rich old mother fukers are trying to hook up with young hot 20ish yr olds, so this ismy point
  16. KaY_xD

    KaY_xD 但願人長久,千里共嬋娟

    it influenced my self-confidence X.X
    i dress whatever i want, as long it looks good on me. Fashion sucks
  17. ur a sucker for the media just take a look around u there's no denying it even if you think it doesn't affect u
  18. b-lee

    b-lee ǝʌıʇɔǝdsɹǝd ʇuǝɹǝɟɟıp ɐ

    It's only human nature to judge a person u first meet by their appearance, it's how we function, we base everything on instinct and assumptions first. E.g. If you're walking down the street and there's a group of men who are dressed 'gangsta' you'd prob will try to stay away if possible, vice versa, a group of men who look like Steve Eurkel are walking down the street towards you, you probably wouldn't be intimidated at all to walk pass them (but in disguise their ninja nerds about to kick yo ass!!)

    Anyways, what i'm trying to say is looks do affect us (everyone) it's how we survive we're built to make assumptions but it's also on the individual to decide whether or not to act on those assumptions and THAT is different for every person.

    sooo.. Do looks really matter? IMO, To a certain degree, I'd say yes.. initially, to get a foot in the door you can't look like a hobo. Later on once the ice is broken and a relationship is formed, looks usually don't matter as much.

    Everyone has a diff threshold with regards to appearance arguing about it is pointless lol.
  19. dom88_rx7

    dom88_rx7 Well-Known Member

    Everyone has a diff threshold with regards to appearance arguing about it is pointless lol.
    i totally agree with tis.
  20. casshern

    casshern Well-Known Member

    You seem lost in translation. It's a fact that "No amount of personality can project true beauty if true beauty is shielded by 200 pounds of fat or a dropped pie face." Why? Because you can't look at someone in the face and know right off the bat that they have a great personality. What I'm saying is kindness, intelligence, generosity etc. are not reflected in one's appearance. Being smart and kind does not make you appear any more attractive PHYSICALLY. This doesn't mean you can't be attractive in other ways. But in order for you to be able to show others how amazing you are, you first need to make yourself presentable, or most people will not give you the time of day.

    And of course looks mattering in a relationship is case-specific. Notice how I said it matters to "most" and not "all" people. I'm not saying that personality doesn't matter at all, nor am I saying that appearance is important because people choose partners SOLELY based on appearance. All I'm saying is that people tend to form opinions about others immediately upon seeing them (how they choose to react to those opinions is another topic altogether), and that's why looks are important.

    Hypothetical scenario: 2 guys are sitting in a bar. Guy 1 has clean eye brows, white teeth, good skin. Guy 2 has a unibrow, yellow teeth, and bad skin. Neither are dressed in a way that reveals their status/occupation. Knowing NOTHING about these guys' personalities, most girls would be more willing to go on a date with Guy 1, if presented with the opportunity. That's just how it is.

    As for the people who choose partners solely based on status, kinship, etc... those people only make up a minority of the population.