what a despictable girl and this guy is better off without her.that kind of shallowness is only gonna make her a lonely pathetic person. í`m sure that he find a much better girlfriend.
I think guys with glasses are hot. although appearance maybe a factor, personality rises above everything else in the end. and i agree with hem, any guy is better off without a girl like that.
I think girls like guys with glasses just depends on the glasses. I know a really hot girl that thinks they are sexy. So I guess everybody has thier own opinion.
What a bi****h! Hasn't she heard of lasik, or contact lense. I guess your friend ex girlfriend was a great a girlfriend anyway. Tell him to cheer up and move on. P.S. There are plenty of guys look hot in glasses. Ex Nicholas Tse, Ron Ng, Bosco,etc....
it really depends. if you wear the right glasses, it's actually pretty sexy. but here's a question: does she dump guys who wear sunglasses? it's basically the same thing. unless your friend's glasses really make him look nerdy. i wouldn't worry about it, it's her lost. ^_^
depends lol, somtimes guys do look mad geeky and nerdy with glasses but yo theres contacts now screw the glasses=) but on the other hand some guys may look good with glasses.. that gurl is such a shallow person if she broke up with him b/c he got glassesxD
I have been wearing glasses for like 10yrs .. and still i get gals.. Those Superhero for example : Clark Kent ( Superman ) Daredevil, CYCLOPS all wears Specs and not to forget SPIDERMAN...
you know..i never really understood why appearance is such a big factor with you kids =P..unless they're really dirty or dirty looking..there really isn't a reason you should be making aesthetics a factor in whether or not you'll be around someone..then again, 85% of the people i know wear glasses or contacts, or at least will =P
I think that da cute guyz that wear glasses are sooo cute..da cute ones not da geeky ones...well..i would say dat if dat gurl did dump him b/c of his glasses...den she is a B!TCH!!
Personality is more important than the appearance. Glasses doesn't affects the love. If that girl dumped him because of his glasses, she doesn't really love him.
LOL. I think that a lot of guys that wears glasses looks adorable. I love it when they wear thosy punky kinds too. I think it's so cute, lmao.
Well if he's a 'cute' guy to start off with then of course he's going to look 'cute' with or without the glasses What are cute glasses anyway? Aren't all glasses geeky? If a cute guy is wearing geeky glasses, most girls will probably still think he's cute regardless, whereas if a geeky guy wears "cute" glasses, chances are that most girls will still find him unattractive.
hmmmmm to me it doesnt really matter lol. so yeah but i think guys with glasses are so cute!!! lol ^^