Not really. I know girls who at first thought a guy was cute, and then when he went and got glasses they thought he wasn't so cute anymore. =/
Well those girls are quite shallow, aren't they? The main point I was driving at in my previous post is that there are no such thing as 'cute' glasses. In other words, the glasses can only be as cute as the person who is wearing them. If an ugly person were to put on a pair of stylish glasses, the person will most likely not look any cuter, but if a good looking person were to put on that same pair of glasses, the glasses will suddenly appear 'cute'.
i personally dont know that many guys who wear glasses =\.. just the odd few but they all seem alright. it really depends on the shape of their face and the type of glasses they wear... i mean, it could make them look better or worse.. it really all depends.. and i dont think the girl dumped ur friend cos of his glasses.. thats a pathetic reason, and probably a coincidence.
maybe her eyes cleared up too. eyeglasses don't affect relations unless you're blind and miss the target at night
Um, embarassingly enough, I often hit on the guy's glasses =_=b Those black plastic frame? HUGE turn on -- but only if the guy has the feature to carry it without being too geeky A little geekiness add spice to life, I surely won't mind THAT
hmm.. well no one could objectively say 'all girls think guys who wear glasses are ugly' as each person has their own tastes... i think there is just a certain stigma about glasses that lingers on from the 1960's-90's where people with who wore glasses would instantly be labeled a geek or a nerd (maybe an example would be where nerdy Clark Kent would take off his glasses and rip his clothes apart in a phonebooth and suddenly become a much more attractive Superman). Nowadays though, frames are alot more attractive and can really offset your features if u choose a good pair. I personally like my glasses, i think they give me a more sophisticated appearance of course this is all just my personal opinion .
lol that was a complete excuse to dump your friend. she probably wanted to break up before he got glasses but couldn't think of an excuse haha. don't blame the glasses LOL
O Lord, lol I think glasses makes some guys look more attractive actually. lol A few years back some of my guy friends went out and bought nonprescription glasses to look more "sophisticated" and surprisingly enough, a lot of girls noticed them, in a positive way that is.
I think that the girl is just shallow and that your friend is lucky to lose someone like her. I mean I wouldn't just stop dating a guy just because he got glasses. Besides, I like guys with glasses, it makes them look intelligent which is hotness XD
i don't think so. seems weird that she would dump him just becasue of the glasses. must be something else. Because there are so many people who has glasses these days.
Glasses can alter a persons appearance quite drastically or not at all. It really depends if it matches the shape of the persons face.
I like guys with glasses....well it makes them look like they know what they are doing..hihi even if they might not...what about guys not liking girls with glasses?? that even possible?? newayz.. i just think its up to the person....i don't care if they wear glasses or not...