i don't think that's a good enough reason for breaking up with someone. if that was her reason, she's not worth it. my boyfriend wears glasses and i still think he looks cute...although, he looks even better without glasses =)
I don't think glasses would change one's apperance too much so it could be a) The girl's not that into him in the first place b) Your friend might had revealed something the girl doesn't like. Glasses shouldn't be a good reason to break up with someone.
if a girl dumps you because you wear glasses, she aint worth it to begin with anyway, dont trip about that, some guys looks sexier with glasses!
umm.. like a lot of people said before me, if that girl can't see through the glasses to your character.. well. 'nuff said. and despite what people may say, glasses aren't "geeky". they help your eyesight. some guys actually look better with glasses.
Use both. When doing something intimate, use contacts otherwise glasses will do. Some girls actually look cuter in glasses.
lol, i started wearing glasses a couple of years ago, since then i haven't dated anyone yet. lol. may be i need to get some contact lens.
this girl is too superficial, she shouldnt judge ppl by wearing glasses...... maybe the girl just use this as an excuse??? to say the guy is too geeky???
This is not true. A pair of trendy glasses will add several IQ point to your appearance, beauty is not just a skin deep. However, there is always Lasik and contact lens.