yeah those happen quite often, meet someone and just wanted to be friends but things happen along the way haha. Especially when you have a close friend who is a girl, you'd never think about it that one day either you or her will start developing feelings for each other....strange stuff...
well, once you know someone better, it is not surprising to start being attracted to them. you'll see more and know more about them, and you'll pick out the good points, bad stuff gets compensated... however, when you go out with them, you may find out even more. that can be good or bad... you find out something good so you like them even more, but you can also find out something bad so you end up not liking them... the most difficult thing is that if you do break up, do you become friends again?
i had this happen but i dont do anything about it cause i became good friends with them so i dont want to wreck what have if she doesn't feel the same way
yeh i had this situation... i knew this girl for ages until one day it just clicked to me that i actually like her... nothing ever happened but, cause she only think of me as a older brother .. damnit haha
yup, my boyfriend wasnt really that attracted to me and i guess we've been friends for a while and now we've been in a relationship for 5 years
yeah i have that feeling right now.... it sucks knowing that they already have someone and you will never be with them