@ Shini_D your wayy kute.. and plus i agree with AbZoNy ... you have different faical expressions.. *g* type... curly hair!.. me soo jelous!
mannn......all da girls are just hiding! Damnit, girls, come on! We are STILL losing!!!! you boiz are just cam whores, point proven lol! me aint cute, lol.
hehehe whats the prize when we win O_O CaM whoREs?! I tinks galz love pixpix much more xp but er~~like u said, hiding^^
you know you guys are cam whores! lol. hmmm......i guess kapo finally decided to hunt for other girls to post up a pic lol. i think everyone should post a pic doing the HK V-sign pose lol
haha!! right that's it.. i'm going on a hunt.. posting,,... wait.. PM All the Girls to post!!.. ahah.. starting.. erm.. soon.. haha!!
Since kdotc post her picture... I guess I'll post mine too Yes.. I took it in 2005... and I believe I wil never take another picture ever again
hmm.. as i thought. k.c is a female. or he had a sex change today, and hasnt changed his FACEBOOK PICTURE YET smart ass hahahahahahaha and AC... ill be honest.. i dont know if youre a man or a female... lol if youre a man, get me those high res wallpapers of them fems if youre a female... well... i wont ask lol