I wouldn't get mad, since my bf is trying to be a good host, but I'll kinda start disliking the girl a bit for accepting the drink.
Ihh...now this is a toughie, i would not be sure cos its quite hard to put maself in tat situation. I guess i might be a bit annoyed but i would not show it, i would talk to him about it if he does it a few times. But, overall i would not wanna be some over reacting and controlling bitch....In a sense, he is doing it infront of ya so i don think there wud be much goin on....
nh i wudnt be really mad.. jealous easy, me -- nope.. but, if it was a gurl who i didnt like i wud prolly fly kick him in the face.
No, I didn't miss that part. What's the big deal? It seems like the ladies on this board are presuming that because the guy gave another girl a drink that he drank from indicates he has a romantic interest in her? If that's the case, then I suggest those women on this board take a chill pill and stop overreacting. I mean come on, if the guy did have ulterior motives, you think he'd make it so conspicuous by showing it in public, AND in front of his current companion? I really doubt that. If my wife offered a drink she drank from to one of my guy friends, I don't think it would bother me....maybe find it strange, but I certainly wouldn't assume she has romantic interest in him.
Its common among all my friends to share drinks. This past weekend, I was out with my friends to have drinks in a sago place. One of my friends younger sister stopped by, when she sat down, she drank from my drink with my straw. So I don't see anything wrong with it at all. Also we usually drink from the same bottle of soda.
errrr when i want to smoke girls light up the cig in front of my gf and gives it to me and they have put like peanuts/popcorn whatever in my mouth didnt seem to bother my gf....