Google Glass Project Sees the World Through AR-Tinted Glasses

Discussion in 'Science, Technology & Car Chat' started by Dan, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. As cool as that video was, I'd be highly disappointed if that's all Google Glasses can do.

    That's equivalent to a see-through screen nothing more. I do hope it has augmented-reality abilities where it can superimpose elements on real-world elements.
  2. [video=youtube;Y3D6YSfWKhs][/video]
  3. Holy shit I feel bad for that girl trying to teach that dude who sounds like a technological caveman..
  4. ralphrepo

    ralphrepo Well-Known Member

    "Ok, Glass..."

    "Message to..."

    CRASH... PFFMMMTTT... (airbag deploys)

    "CNN reports that Google shares recently have been taking a massive drubbing because of the multitude of lawsuits related to the accidents caused by distracted drivers who have been using its 'Google Glass' eyewearable computing device..."