^june 12 man, same date when metal gear solid 4 releases worldwide... it's 500 bucks US dollars so dunno if thats still cheap for you. Also i wonder if this 80gb ps3 has the emotion engine chip so it can play back ps2 games. people say this one has 4 usb ports and the backward capability, hopefully they're not lying lol.
I was goin to buy the game for the 360 but I might just re-mod my 360 and download the game :naughty:
lol and in the process you might fuck up your xbox 360 and your warranty would be void (cause you modded it), so your screwed haha... better watch out man.
apparently if u mod and get the rings of death ms will give u a new refurbished one and i've heard then don't rele check cos there's so many machines lol.