With soo much luck, I advice, you to go to the nearest Lottery and buy a lot. Yes, this is Monaco The city of the disguisting rich. The F1 Race, etc
Who doesn't want to be a disquisting rich person??? I guess this must be everyones dream. Jetset to every big party on this rock
lol.. o.. and hiake is back.. haha.. she can take over now.. pretty sure she will do a much much better job here
@Mav: A gazillionaire get to go to Antarctica! @XJ: Didn't you see my track record? I am THE random guess player...
Hehe, typo, I meant #29 Notice to myself: use the numeric keypad instead of the ones above the letters...-unsure
@XJ: You totally forgot about me having trouble guessing Luxembourg =_=b @Mav: I don't believe in gambling...
LOL, where's our city 30??? But then I guess we all have a little bit of that "maybe I will be the lucky dude/chick" attitude at times. Plus, there's precious little you can do in most Casinos =_=b and problem with traveling with friend? They loved it...
@Hiake: ??? What are you doin'? First you stick your tongue out and now you want to shoot me Can't the lady make up her mind today -evil
Travelling IS hardwork, though many just liked the watered down version of sit-and-see. It was an avy war... then I just changed it again... =_=b