#6: curtain #7: child carseat or water fountain (yeah, i know this guess is a bit of a stretch but -shrug)
this thread is funny, but as for the picture goes #6 is a car window blocker (for the front to block the sun?) #7 it has to be a water fountain o_o (or w/e you call it, u know? where u find in school hall ways, gyms, sometimes in malls, where u drink water from >.>)
Dunno if anyone said it, but is #7 a drinking fountain? Heres a link to the picture. It's quite big so I didn't make it in this post. http://www.retroaudiolab.com/pictures/new/drinkingfountain.jpg And I'll take a wild guess and say #6 if either your mittens or slippers.
i just said it =D water foundtain, drinking fountain same thing, it looks like it, but i think that'll be too easy o.o
angieeee......errr.....i will be.. and err uryu...it isnt a water fountain at all #6 to be a window blocker, mittens etc....incorrect
-sweat..whoops forgot about this teem...hehehe ^^ -bigclap-bigclap it sure is.... #7 = table lamp ----- now any ideas for #6?? -bigsmile