lol first off why's it matter if they're a Virgin?? Not like you're gonna feel anything with your balloon wrapped penis...
If girls who are not Virgins.. grows a cactus down there.. Then, Yes.. I'd very much prefer the girl to be a virgin..
Agree i agree with ur words.. of course we cant reli expect them to be virgin. now is 21st century n many things happens everyday noone knows.. if she say she is a virgin, would u believe?? n how u gonna expect her to prove it if u don believe??
I think most guys have had their share of other men's share of women. I personally would hope for a virgin; but if she's not, and the numbers are not too bad, I wouldn't mind. Everyone has a past. Anyways, something can be done now ... it's call hymenoplasties. Read up!
Honestly it can go either way, i would prefer a virgin because of the meaning that it would have to between the two of us, but also having a non virgin has it benefits in that she has the experience and can help you out if you aren't comfortable, kind of like showing the ropes
From personal opinion I'd prefer a gf that was virgin, I mean even though we are in the 21st Century and the views on whether or not your a virgin differs now, but I still believe that it's something sacred if she shares her first time with you after the two of you are married. *though this will probably not happen to most of us, but is a ideal society lol*
i'd prefer virgin... no comparisons, but then u also don't know how u compare to others lol ie if ur good or not
imagine that girl is a non-virgin, but she is contaminated with STDs...will u still think non-virgin girls is still okay?
a ton of hypocrites there a problem with the maturity level here or a ton of fake ass people?
honestly tho.. who cares if shes a virgin or not (maybe you should care if STDs are involved lol) but otherwise, if you got feelings for a girl, then act upon them, not the fact if she did it before or never did..
prefer virgin cos she won't complain u inexperience,for me,but if is in desperation or u really love her do u still mind?
Ha.. I believe this is a qn that has no right or wrong answers. It is perfectly fine for one to demand a virgin partner or otherwise. But do consider that double standards are highly hypocritical unless you can justify why guys should have more sexual partners than gals. This, I doubt will ever be justifiable. Do prove me wrong. If you insist, set a standard and live by it. If you can't do it yourself then don't expect others to do it for you. Lustful guys are meant for lustful gals. I envy them but have no courage to handle STDs.. haha I rather stick to my personal stand though: love a person for who she/he is. If there is existence of true love, I believe such over-emphasized 'criteria' becomes totally meaningless.