Yes... why wouldn't I want a girl who is dumb as a door knob and can't think for herself... I want a girl so dumb.. I gotta draw the picture on a wall for her...
Yea, that is true, I had a girl pretend to be " not too smart" just tp go out with this guy that is not bright at all. guess what... it did not last long, cuz there is not much to talk about.
man ,who wouldn't love a smart ass girl with a brain like bill gate ..i find it so hot and sexy especially she is independent
The only guys that wouldn't want a smart grl, are the traditional one's. The one who wants there gf/wife to stay home and be a house wife. SH1T im happy my gf is smart, she can be independent in the future.
LOL, i think that it feels strange, coz u feel so dumb around them and ur the one taking care of them if u bcoem their bf, so its hard, so then guys wotn find that interesting.. lolz
so what do you mean when a girl is smart? people can get good grades because they try, not because they're smart?
I like girls who are smart. I don't mind if they are smarter than me... By the way I am in the College of Engineering at my university... I perfer to date girls who are engineering...
I like smart girls as long as they are not too full of themselves. Then you might have to kick them in the head. I hate when people try to teach me something when I'm much more senior than they are. And I'm like you dumtard I learned that years ago.
lol, smart girls are great, as long as they're also social and knows how to have fun besides this whole forum shouldn't be wether guys dislike smart girls but rather y doesn't smart girls like dumber guys........ i donno bout u, but its pretty clear to me y a women wouldn't want a lesser man
Some girls have high IQ but less EQ while other have it the other way. Depending on your defination of smart. Is smart = book worm or smart = street smart? Either way, these are good candidates. I doubt any guys will turn them down as long as they don't look like a dog.