marrying a smart girl would be office lady =) lol...i wouldn't complain a bit..but she gota b prety
Me too! Especially those damn hot HK boys with those glasses.... it looks so hot! Ya, I think there has to be a difference between 'nerdy' and 'smart' girls. Nerdy girls are those girls with no style no personality smell bad and study and do homework all day. And I don't like those girls either... they smell bad... and don't know how to socialize, always stay to themselves and are inept in society. Smart girls are somewhat nerdy in a sense that they care about their school/education, but also know how to socially cope with society. And smart girls ARE pretty
LOL Haha, I'm a girl ... but I always look-judge other girls, kinda like comparing myself to others, see if I'm 'better' or 'worse' than other girls ... I would say I'm a hot smart girl... *jk* I wish ... lol ... but I am SMART though
when i read your other comment earlier i thought you were bisexual O.O you were talking about hot guys in glasses and then ugly nerdy girls that smell bad.
^ @elaine: haha.. it's sort of like changing the subject in a flash. lol exactly! those type of HK guys are so lang jai !!!!! not like kdot, which isn't lang jai and trying to act all cool. *pukes*
Dear Kdotc, just how many times do I have to tell you that no smart and pretty girl will want to go for you? If there is, she mustn't be too "smart" to start off with.
^ haha.. well, at my school there's a lot more smart girls than guys. guys are mostly in a lower class, cuz their mostly lazy.