the smartest ppl on earth r male!! who's a popular female business woman with brains? can't name any..on the other hand theres bil gates for males
And may I ask which biology book you got this information from? I have never heard of such things. Males are potentially smarter? There are no proven facts on this. I only hear a lot of assumptions. Please don't generalize and assume information that are opinions and state them as facts. You'll only shoot yourself in the foot. This statement alone is extremely chauvinistic. And even if men really do have the potential to be smarter... so what? Potential means nothing in the end if it isn't utilized. In physics... it's kinetics that counts in the end, just like in life... how you use what you have matters. Ever heard of the quote, "If a knife is not sharpened, it might as well be useless"?
thia can go on forever..no1 wants to admit they're stupid...lets all take iq tests to prove this fact
haha..words ...haha...i'm sure they can rep our level of iq and what not...and yes...a dull knife can hurt more...
Nooo, I just mean potential. So if 2 were to utilize this "potential" to the max, the male technically should be smarter, BUT the problem is that you typically can't utilize it (it's hidden). I didn't get it out of the textbook, I got it out of the a site (plz note that it's not some kid site, it's a heavy scientist research site) when our school required it. And our teacher directly mentioned it though I felt it was wierd since my teacher herself is a female.... That site does research on how many frikin different genes there are found and identified in this world. And I'm not surprised that not a lot of people don't know because it was proven just these few years. So you won't be finding them in textbooks at least for 3 years. And yeah,'s obvious that men are more smarter and capable than women in many feilds. For example, math = Newton, Physics = Einstein, Tech = Edison, Literature = Shakespeare, Art = Da Vince, Sports = MJ, Marciano, Federer, Woods, Philosophy = Confusious, Fashion = top name brand are male designers, Film = Most writers/directors that win academy awards are males, Religion = Jesus and Buddha. Need I say more??
think about it u will eventually get to u both..or not..and this thing about intelligence...just look to the past and all ur questions will be answered...
it will go on..cause neither side will give in..or should i say that both sides can equally be argued...and as for proving she smarter....maybe or maybe not..hhaha...who the ACTUAL topic of this thread..i've seen that only guys that wana sleep with a gurl will hate if shes intelligent and shuts their ass out...
Umm Just because in certain fields, there are more men than women doesn't mean that men are smarter. That could just be a difference in taste among genders. So how would you account for the fact that in schools, and especially in colleges nowadays, women are fast out pacing men?
I'm not trying to prove that I am smarter, I'm just a bit annoyed that someone can seriously utter such statement. "Males are potentially smarter"..pshh... It would not have riled my nerves had the statement been backed up with concrete evidence. Obviously, the information was gathered from an online source with questionable credibility. Men have the "potential" to be smarter than women... what kind of theory is that? Either say men are smarter or not. Potential doesn't mean anything. It could just as easily be said that women have the potential to be smarter as well. Regarding this, I think it's also a matter of dedication and motivation, but figures like that indicate (to me) that women are AT LEAST equally intelligent as men, even if they are less likely to have the same career success in the future. This is assuming that we're talking about natural intelligence, which would make any arguments on career earnings entirely irrelevant to the topic, not that we haven't already been side-tracked. I think the most logical way to compare natural intelligence would be from high school to college, and women seem to be more succesful in those stages. -innocent2 lol! You just HAD to come in here to crack a joke, didn't you? -lol Is primary 6 the same as 6th grade? Yeah, & I thought there were some female species that ate it's mate.
Hence, I conclude that women are more intelligent than men. You may be 12, but no way am I your auntie. Stop going around forums claiming fake relations, please.
Most Guys..especially Asian Guys.. That's What I Observe But I'm Not Generalizing Here Ya. Of Course, Smart Girls If Keep Showing Off And Dominating The Guys.. Duhh That'll Piss Ppl Off.. Goes Same To Smart Guys Who Do That To Girls. Howoever, I Ask Most Guys.. They Said They Dun Really Like Girls Better Than Them Esp In Career Aspect.. Bcoz Of Their Egoooooooo/pride.. Lol. So.. But I'm Sure There're Guys/girls Who Can Compromise Wid One Another And Make Relationship/friendship Succesfful If They Dun Dominate Each Other