i prefer girls with light makeup. look nice. Non-makeup girls sometimes look like you just got out of bed !!! j/k
I totally agree...I say that all the time...my boyfriend of 5 years now use to say that all the time, but I've asked him, what girls do you think are cute...and he named me all of them...they all wear makeup! Oh and that hot celebrity...she wears TONS of makeup! Guys just say no makeup because they WISH that their g/f will be born beautiful...-tongue2
it all depends if they have natural beauty.. if they have natural beauty then of course dunt put make-up on.. well yu can put like a lil but not too much.. if yu dunt have much natural beauty than yu can put on more make-up
either at non or just a touch of makeup... heavy makeup is ugly and i know what im talking about. my school principle has tons of makeup, she has pink cheeks and looks like a white zombie with platinum blonde hair.
Guys always say they don't like make-up. Wait till they really see NO make-up and hear what they say again! I'm pretty lazy myself, so when I get home, I wanna have less to take off before going to bed. But a girl definitely needs to bring out her eyes! Or else they would look very tired. And a little bit of lip gloss not so much that a guy has to taste the artificialness off the gloss...which might scare him away! 2 minutes==> eyes and lips and get out of the house!
If you cake it on, you'll look like a disaster(except for Geishas-they're beautiful). A little is cool. Preferably, I don't like woman who wear it. Be natural, show the beauty.
without is better for me -- sometimes girls overdo it and they dun even notice; can end up looking like a badly painted porcellin doll (or cake face) eye shadow is also not good on asians i think -- it over emphasises the eyes and makes u look like an angry rock-b*tch
i think u can get away w/ lip gloss or somethin, but i prefer none at all cuz its natural beauty. if someone has to put on makeup, its like sayin u aint pretty enuf to look natural.
It's funny how everyone says no make-up, no make-up..yeah..if a girl has natural beauty that's great..but how many of those "natural beauties" are out there? So...this is why make-up comes in..to help those that chooses to "make-up" for it. For you guys: You always say "no make-up"..so tell me..say you find yourself a gf and she only looks good with make-up..but she is willing not to put on make-up just for you because you say you like the "no make-up" face..How will you feel? Will you still like her JUST as much?? Ohh..by the way..All those stars you see on TV everyday who you think are really pretty..wears make-up...wait until you see them with no make-up...~